Hierarchical Temporal Memory Models Cluster implementation
Short for Hierarchical Temporal Memory Models Cluster. Numenta presented HtmEngine which is a set of long-running services upon which a scalable, real-time, and production-ready scalar anomaly detection application may be built. As-is, HtmEngine is only configured to be scaled vertically. Htm-Moclu provides a similar platform for htm.java applications, and has the ability to scale horizontally using multiple servers.
You can have several Web servers and several servers just to handle model data all of them working as a Cluster.
- Models, anomaly detection, and prediction provided by htm.java
- Cluster implemented using Akka Cluster + Sharing + Persistence
- Data store: Mongodb
- Rest API: Lift Framework (moclu-http)
- http://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html
- http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/tutorial/Manual-Installation.html
- https://www.mongodb.org/downloads#production
- Linux http://docs.mongodb.org/master/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-linux
- OSX http://docs.mongodb.org/master/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x
- Windows http://docs.mongodb.org/master/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows
After installing MongoDB you will need to start mongod service and use default settings, otherwise you will need to configure application.conf
Starting the cluster
git clone https://github.com/antidata/htm-moclu.git
cd htm-moclu
sbt publishLocal
sbt console
Starting the Web server
cd htm-moclu/moclu-http
sbt ~container:start
####Create model - Endpoint ####
/create/{model id}
- Request Payload
{ }
- Response
"msg":"Htm Model 24StreetSensor created"
####Send data - Endpoint ####
/event/{model id}
- Request Payload
"timestamp":"7/2/10 1:11"
- Response
"msg":"Applied event Htm Model 24StreetSensor",
####Get submitted data - Endpoint ####
/getData/{model id}
- Request Payload
{ }
- Response
- Create
wget -O- --post-data='{}' --header=Content-Type:application/json "http://localhost:8080/create/24StreetSensor"
- Send event data
wget -O- --post-data='{"value":13.2,"timestamp":"7/2/10 1:16"}' --header=Content-Type:application/json "http://localhost:8080/event/24StreetSensor"
- Get events data
wget -O- --post-data='{}' --header=Content-Type:application/json "http://localhost:8080/getData/24StreetSensor"
To set the IP address where you have MongoDB running just add the following parameter to SBT:
For example having Mongo running on the config will look like
This configuration is the same for all nodes.
You can have one or more seeds for your Cluster, you can start trying with just one.
add the following parameter to SBT:
In the case you have the Seed running on, after modifying:
If you want to add more seed nodes you will need to update the application.conf and add more parameters.
Finally we need to specify the local IP with the following parameter
In case you are starting the node in
$ sbt -Djava.library.path=./sigar -DHOST= -DSEEDHOST= -DMONGOHOST= -Xmx8096M -Xss2M