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@strongduanmu strongduanmu released this 18 Oct 07:45
· 9534 commits to master since this release

New Feature

  1. Add ShardingSphere default system database to support global metadata management
  2. Support asynchronous data consistency check
  3. Added support for Consul governance center
  4. Added support for Nacos governance center
  5. Added support for the view function in the governance center


  1. SQL Federation engine adds ADVANCED executor and adapts to openGauss database
  2. Support ShardingSphere Proxy startup after read-write splitting read database is disabled
  3. SQL HINT supports force sharding route
  4. Show processlist supports showing Proxy connections (sleep, active)
  5. Optimized ShardingSphere-JDBC data source configuration error message
  6. ShardingSphere-JDBC supports SpringBoot 3.x version
  7. Support load MySQL, PostgreSQL, openGauss and SQLServer view metadata
  8. Update Snakeyaml to 1.33 and open YAML 3MB limit
  9. Reuse cached connections as possible when unicast sharding
  10. Support Parsing ALTER ROLE in Oracle
  11. Add support of ALTER RESOURCE COST for Oracle
  12. Support parsing Drop Materialized View in Oracle
  13. Support parsing DROP LIBRARY in Oracle
  14. Support parsing DROP JAVA in Oracle
  15. Support parsing DROP PLUGGABLE DATABASE in Oracle
  16. Support parsing DROP INDEX TYPE in Oracle
  17. Support Parsing ALTER PACKAGE in openGauss
  18. Support openGauss select offset, count statement parse and remove useless syntax in PostgreSQL grammar
  19. Add max_size to openGauss syntax
  20. Optimize alter view/drop view parse logic and fix alter view refresher bug
  21. Add sql parser error detail to ParseCancellationException
  22. Add support for parse OptOnConflict for postgres
  23. Enhance support for ALTER TABLE and ALTER VIEW in PostgreSQL
  24. Add a missing keyword in PostgreSQL Declare Statement
  25. Add json function support to mysql parser
  26. ShardingSphere-Proxy automatically adapts to cgroup memory limits in Docker environment
  27. Show migration status DistSQL respond new added error_message column
  28. Show migration status respond new added processed_records_count column
  29. Support MySQL 8 caching_sha2_password authentication in incremental dump
  30. Improve drop pipeline process configuration
  31. Support unique key table migration
  32. Support migrate table to new name table
  33. Improve thread pool usage in pipeline task and runner
  34. Support cancelable data consistency check
  35. DistSQL: When creating or altering readwrite-splitting rule, check duplicate write or read resources
  36. DistSQL: Add validity check for ALTER SHARDING BINDING TABLE RULES
  37. Standalone mode H2 support persistent metadata
  38. Fix openGauss cursor execution in xa transaction
  39. Added transaction related exceptions

Bug Fix

  1. Generate proper placeholder for PostgreSQL when rewriting
  2. Fix opengauss update set parse exception
  3. Fix parse exception when execute insert statement with negative value
  4. Fix wrong connectDescriptorUrlPattern in OracleDataSourceMetaData
  5. Fix insert SQL garbled after sharding rewrote in special rules
  6. Fix exception when execute select * from information_schema.tables
  7. Fix exception when execute alter view rename
  8. Fix PostgreSQL check data source permission when using rolsuper
  9. DistSQL: fix NPE for REFRESH TABLE METADATA when there is no resource
  10. Fix Unmodified table metadata when modify rules
  11. Fix database discovery
  12. The MySQL.NORMAL_REPLICATION algorithm cannot find primary node"
  13. Fixed using etcd to build a cluster event not aware
  14. Fix NPE occurred when transaction management is not created
  15. Fix routing exception that occurs when the sharding value of the InlineShardingAlgorithm algorithm exceeds Integer

API Changes

  1. SQL HINT syntax format adjust to SQL-style format
  2. DistSQL: Remove syntax COUNT DATABASE RULES
  3. ShardingSphere mode remove overwrite configuration
  4. Agent: Optimize configuration of agent.yaml

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