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@TeslaCN TeslaCN released this 30 Mar 09:56
· 7417 commits to master since this release

API Changes

  1. Proxy: Add property system-log-level, support dynamic change of log level by DistSQL.
  2. DistSQL: Remove Hint-related DistSQL, users can use SQL Hint instead

New Features

  1. Scaling: Support any type of column unique key table


  1. Scaling: Use stream query for inventory dump and data consistency check
  2. Scaling: Compatible with VARBINARY column type in MySQL binlog parsing
  3. Scaling: Refactor AbstractSimplePipelineJob.execute to blocking
  4. Scaling: Improve table records count calculation
  5. Scaling: Support proxy sharding rule absent for migration job
  6. Scaling: Add useServerPrepStmts=false for pipeline job on MySQL
  7. Scaling: Improve datetime/time parsing for MySQL binlog
  8. Scaling: Add global status for prepare stage
  9. Scaling: Add netTimeoutForStreamingResults for pipeline job on MySQL
  10. Authority: Support specifying password authentication method
  11. Authority: Add md5 authentication support for openGauss protocol
  12. Agent: Add more metrics for JDBC
  13. Kernel: ShardingSphere Driver configuration supports Apollo
  14. Kernel: Adjust SKIP_ENCRYPT_REWRITE SQL Hint to SKIP_SQL_REWRITE to support more scenarios
  15. Kernel: Support openGauss EXPLAIN PERFORMANCE
  16. Encrypt: Like supports concat function

Bug Fixes

  1. Scaling: Fix unicode char and special char decoding for PostgreSQL incremental task
  2. Scaling: Fix Migration not support PostgreSQL json type
  3. DistSQL: CREATE SHARDING TABLE RULE supports NONE strategy
  4. Kernel: Fix use system database error when data sources are empty
  5. Kernel: Fix set worker-id does not take effect with Standalone mode
  6. Kernel: Clear storage node information when delete readwrite-splitting and database discovery rules
  7. Kernel: Fix the abnormal problem of Column index out of range in single table complex query
  8. Kernel: Fix PostgreSQL like lower case failed.
  9. Kernel: Fixed the exception of built-in metabase data collection when the front and back database types were inconsistent
  10. Kernel: Fix the problem of routing error reporting under certain table names
  11. Kernel: Fix MySQL create procedure parse error
  12. Kernel: Fix union extract table name NPE
  13. Kernel: Fix upper case table constraint not rewrite error
  14. Kernel: Fix failed to parse PostgreSQL / openGauss SQL contains money type
  15. Kernel: Fix PostgreSQL / openGauss positional parameter rule
  16. Kernel: Fix PostgreSQL / openGauss failed to parse const with type cast
  17. Kernel: Fix Chinese characters encode exception when execute select with sql federation engine
  18. Kernel: Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when execute set variable statement int jdbc adapter
  19. Kernel: Fix index does not exist exception when execute drop index statement
  20. Proxy: Properly handle number sign in MySQL Proxy binary protocol
  21. Proxy: Fix PostgreSQL Proxy failed to handle bytea data type
  22. Proxy: Fix PostgreSQL Proxy failed to parse time value with microseconds
  23. Proxy: Fix PostgreSQL protocol codec for date type in binary format
  24. Proxy: Fix possible CCE PostgreSQLInt2BinaryProtocolValue
  25. Proxy: Fix possible error when client pass quoted charset to PostgreSQL/openGauss Proxy

Change Log