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@wgy8283335 wgy8283335 released this 08 Jul 07:27
· 6015 commits to master since this release

API Changes

  1. Metadata: Change sharding broadcast tables to global broadcast tables
  2. JDBC: Remove exclamation mark (!) for global rules
  3. DistSQL: Simplify keywords ASSISTED_QUERY, LIKE_QUERY in encrypt DistSQL
  4. DistSQL: Optimize SQL_PARSER rule syntax
  5. Encrypt: Adjust encryption yaml API to distinguish between encrypt, like, and assisted query configurations
  6. Encrypt: Remove plain column and queryWithCipherColumn configuration in encrypt feature
  7. Readwrite-splitting: Refactor read/write splitting api
  8. Proxy: Remove property proxy-instance-type configuration
  9. Proxy: Remove property proxy-backend-executor-suitable
  10. Proxy: Remove property proxy-mysql-default-version
  11. Scaling: Refactor commit rollback streaming to drop streaming
  12. Sharding: Merge ShardingCacheRule into ShardingRule (Experimental)

New Features

  1. DistSQL: New syntax to manage SQL_FEDERATION rule
  2. Proxy: Support Unix Domain Socket


  1. Scaling: CDC supports pure incremental mode
  2. Scaling: CDC supports exporting data by transaction
  3. Scaling: CDC supports MySQL and PostgreSQL
  4. Scaling: CDC supports single table
  5. Scaling: CDC supports all openGauss data types
  6. Scaling: CDC supports replication reconnection
  7. Scaling: Remove DataConsistencyCalculateAlgorithmChooser
  8. Scaling: Improve performance of integer unique key table inventory data splitting
  9. Scaling: Adjust process configuration default value to reduce resource consumption
  10. Scaling: Auto refresh table metadata for migration
  11. Scaling: Compatible with openGauss existing replication slot reuse when database not existing
  12. Scaling: Show data consistency check status result should be empty when it's not completed
  13. Scaling: Enable concurrent CRC32 match on source and target
  14. Scaling: Pipeline job compatible with sharding rule audit strategy
  15. Metadata: Refactor metadata persistence structure
  16. Metadata: Optimize the process of loading single table metadata
  17. Metadata: Support MySQL/PostgreSQL/openGauss system tables empty query
  18. DistSQL: Add support for transactionalReadQueryStrategy for read/write splitting rule
  19. DistSQL: Enhanced algorithm properties check
  20. Transaction: Add privilege check
  21. Transaction: Remove the TransactionTypeHolder and only create the current transaction manager
  22. Parser: Support MySQL LOAD DATA and LOAD XML statement with single table or broadcast table
  23. Parser: Improve the parsing support of high-priority SQL statements in the test results of the MySQL test program
  24. Parser: Oracle dialect parser now supports Chinese comma
  25. Encrypt: Support query of encrypt column in projection subquery when use encrypt feature
  26. Kernel: Adds table existence metadata check for INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE and SELECT statements
  27. JDBC: Implement batch execution for ShardingSphereStatement
  28. Proxy: Frontend supports SSL/TLS
  29. Proxy: Support Flush message for PostgreSQL/openGauss Proxy
  30. Proxy: Support data type bit, bool for PostgreSQL Proxy

Bug Fixes

  1. Scaling: Fix pipeline job failure status persistence and usage
  2. Scaling: Fix CDC DELETE event Record.beforeList is null
  3. Scaling: Fix openGauss mppdb decoding plugin single quote issue
  4. Scaling: Fix execute engine not closed after job stopping
  5. Scaling: Fix stop job before task starting
  6. Metadata: Fix case sensitive issue when loading schema meta data with H2 database
  7. Metadata: Fix "object not found" exception when config PostgreSQL/openGauss schema name as database name
  8. DistSQL: Fix wrong result of check_table_metadata_enabled when execute SHOW DIST VARIABLE
  9. Encrypt: Fix SQL rewrite exception when use PostgreSQL/openGauss encrypt like feature
  10. Sharding: Support null sharding condition pass to sharding algorithm to allow user control null value route
  11. Parser: Support BETWEEN AND expression parsing in MySQL Projection
  12. Mask: Fix wrong mask result when config same value of from-x and to-y with KEEP_FROM_X_TO_Y
  13. Infra: Fix ClassNotFoundException may occur when missing pgjdbc
  14. Proxy: Fix MySQL packet out of order when client sending pipelining requests

Change Log