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@taojintianxia taojintianxia released this 22 Oct 08:58
· 1530 commits to master since this release

API Changes

  1. Authority: Mark privilege provider ALL_PERMITTED as deprecated and will be removed in future
  2. DistSQL: Remove optional param usageCount from show storage units
  3. Readwrite-splitting: Change dataSources to dataSourceGroups for YAML

New Features

  1. Kernel: Add new doris, hive and presto sql parser module and database type


  1. DistSQL: Check privilege when registering or altering storage unit
  2. DistSQL: Check duplicate actual data nodes when creating or altering sharding table rule
  3. DistSQL: Add like support for show storage units
  4. DistSQL: Rollback if import database configuration failed
  5. DistSQL: add table type to result set of show logical tables
  6. SQL Parser: Support MySQL change replication with no server ids
  7. SQL Parser: Support MySQL row and column aliases with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
  8. SQL Parser: Support MySQL CALL sql with mysql prefix
  9. SQL Parser: Support MySQL create loadable function returns int/dec
  10. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL CREATE TABLESPACE/TABLE in Mysql-8
  11. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL CREATE INDEX with ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE
  12. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL LOAD DATA with @ variable
  13. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL START REPLICA statement
  14. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL json table function
  15. SQL Parser: Add MySQL column not null SQL parsing
  16. SQL Parser: Add MySQL charset SQL parsing
  17. SQL Parser: Enhance mysql json function visit statement result
  18. SQL Parser: Support PostgreSQL COLLATION and CONSTRAINT keywords
  19. SQL Parser: Support PostgreSQL, openGauss function table and update from parse
  20. SQL Parser: Support CTE with PostgreSQL and openGauss
  21. SQL Parser: Optimize the timezone support of PostgreSQLDateValueParser.
  22. SQL Parser: Support PostgreSQL limit and offset as null
  23. SQL Parser: Enhance Oracle update statement as alias parse and add test case
  24. SQL Parser: Support Oracle column length unit type SQL parsing
  25. Metadata: Collect table type for PostgreSQL
  26. Kernel: Support sql hint extract when sql contains dbeaver hint comment
  27. Kernel: Add extract combine left select in extractFromSelectStatementWithoutProjection method
  28. Kernel: Add assisted node to create and delete databases
  29. Transaction: Use same transaction type in one transaction in JDBC adapter
  30. Transaction: Support for switching transaction types
  31. SQL Federation: Support sql federation bit_count function for mysql
  32. SQL Federation: Improve atan and anan2 sql function for mysql
  33. SQL Federation: Support federated query mysql bin function
  34. SQL Federation: Support for federated query NOT operator
  35. Proxy: Make the results of show tables in order
  36. Proxy: Trigger metadata collection when creating and deleting database and table
  37. Proxy: Optimize Agent to support collecting metrics data from multiple data sources when used with Driver
  38. Proxy Native: Add more graalvm reachability metadata for caffeine cache
  39. Sharding: Revise all local index for sharding table and add object uniqueness level spi to control index token generator
  40. Sharding: Add NullsOrderType.LOW and NullsOrderType.HIGH to handle NULL order by in sharding feature
  41. Sharding: Add inline sharding algorithms match actual data nodes check
  42. Encrypt: Add unsupported check for combine statement with encrypt columns
  43. Encrypt: Support select distinct(column) encrypt rewrite and refactor SubstitutableColumnNameToken build logic
  44. Encrypt: Support like concat nested concat statement rewrite with encrypt feature
  45. Pipeline: Add SHARDING_TOTAL_COUNT impl of JobExecutorServiceHandler to improve CPU core requirement
  46. Pipeline: Support page query for inventory dumper and data consistency streaming query
  47. Pipeline: Use case-insensitive identifiers to enhance the table metadata loader
  48. Pipeline: Support primary key columns ordering for standard pipeline table metadata loader

Bug Fixes

  1. DistSQL: Fix load single table error after creating logical data source
  2. DistSQL: Fix set default single table storage unit to random failed
  3. DistSQL: Fix set default single table storage unit to logical data source failed
  4. DistSQL: Fix NPE when import metadata
  5. SQL Parser: Support PostgreSQL do nothing conflict action
  6. SQL Parser: Fix oracle nvl function and interval hour parse error
  7. Metadata: Keep in-used storage node when unregister storage unit
  8. Metadata: Fixed the problem of missing storage unit when registering storage unit
  9. Kernel: Replace ThreadLocal with TransmittableThreadLocal in HintManager to support cross Thread usage
  10. Kernel: Use ConnectionPropertiesParser spi to parse jdbcUrl to solve oracle url parse error
  11. Kernel: Fix column count assert exception caused by postgresql system table judge
  12. SQL Binder: Add TableAvailable interface for CloseStatementContext, MoveStatementContext, FetchStatementContext and fix sql rewrite test case
  13. Transaction: Fix setSavepoint method invocation not cleaning up
  14. Transaction: Fix savepoint manager not cleaned up in distributed transactions
  15. Transaction: Fix transaction context not cleaned up when xa transaction is committed
  16. Transaction: Fix the issue that cursor is not rewritten
  17. SQL Federation: Fix federated query LocalDateTime conversion
  18. SQL Federation: Fix push down sql execute error when sql contains chinese character with sql federation
  19. SQL Federation: Fix federation query binary type data query
  20. SQL Federation: Fix null result in federated query for a single projected column
  21. SQL Federation: Fix sql federation unknown type exception caused by calcite wrong result type with bigint
  22. Proxy: Support binary type bool value in PostgreSQL
  23. Proxy: Support array type prepared param in PostgreSQL
  24. Proxy: Support binary protocol value for text array in PostgreSQL
  25. Proxy: Fix duplicate results when querying information_schema.SCHEMATA
  26. Proxy: Fix incorrect results for querying information_schema.SCHEMATA
  27. Proxy: Fix NPE when execute show table status
  28. Proxy: Fix no database selected exception occurs when show tables from db
  29. Proxy: Fix the error that the process does not exit after proxy startup fail
  30. Proxy: Fix the error that the persisted system metadata was not cleared after the database was deleted in the PostgreSQL scenario
  31. Proxy: Fix no database selected exception in the query SQL
  32. JDBC: Resolve the issue where "zip file closed" in versions prior to SpringBoot 2.3.
  33. JDBC: Fix the NPE when it does not contain a specified logic database in Driver.
  34. Sharding: Fix Sharding column not tracked through aliases
  35. Sharding: Fix alter view exception when config sharding rule and binding table rule
  36. Sharding: Fix is need accumulate logic
  37. Sharding: Fix the generated key column name case insensitivity error
  38. Encrypt: Fix show create table wrong result with encrypt when data type contains float
  39. Encrypt: Fix the issue where updating a non-encrypted table and using a subquery on an encrypted table.
  40. Encrypt: Add insert select rewrite for encrypt
  41. Pipeline: InventoryTaskSplitter compatible with BigInteger primary key
  42. Pipeline: Fix default data source lost when create migration job