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@taojintianxia taojintianxia released this 22 Jan 14:03
· 592 commits to master since this release

Release 5.5.2

API Changes

New Features

  1. Kernel: Add firebird SQL parser module and database type #33773


  1. Kernel: Add arguments not null check when creating RouteUnit - #33382
  2. Kernel: Add index columns not empty judgement for IndexColumnTokenGenerator - #33384
  3. Kernel: Add binding to owner table - #33533
  4. Kernel: Add binding to owner table - #33533
  5. Kernel: Add WithAvailable interface and encrypt with, combine, insert select support checker - #34175
  6. Metadata: Add load-table-metadata-batch-size props to concurrent load table metadata - #34009
  7. DistSQL: Check inline expression when create sharding table rule with inline sharding algorithm - #33735
  8. SQL Parser: Support parsing Doris BITXOR - #33258
  9. SQL Parser: Support parsing Doris INSTR - #33289
  10. SQL Parser: Support parsing Doris STRRIGHT - #33393
  11. SQL Parser: Support parsing MySQL by adding non-reserved keywords in BaseRule.g4 file according to MySQL 8.4 doc - #33846
  12. SQL Parser: Support parsing Doris EXTRACT_URL_PARAMETER - #33571
  13. SQL Parser: Enhance create view, alter view, drop view sql parser - #34283
  14. SQL Binder: Add sql bind logic for create table statement - #34074
  15. SQL Binder: Support create index statement sql bind - #34112
  16. SQL Parser: Support MySQL update with statement parse - #34126
  17. SQL Binder: Remove TablesContext#findTableNames method and implement select order by, group by bind logic - #34123
  18. SQL Binder: Support select with statement sql bind and add bind test case - #34141
  19. SQL Binder: Support sql bind for select with current select projection reference - #34151
  20. SQL Binder: Support alter table, drop table sql bind and add test case - #34154
  21. SQL Binder: Support rename table statement sql bind and split segment bind to ddl and dml package - #34158
  22. SQL Binder: Support copy statement sql bind and add bind test case - #34159
  23. SQL Binder: Support truncate table sql bind and add test case - #34162
  24. SQL Binder: Support create view, alter view, drop view sql bind logic - #34167
  25. SQL Binder: Support load data and load xml sql bind and add test case - #34177
  26. SQL Binder: Support optimize table sql bind and add test case - #34242
  27. SQL Binder: Support show create table, show columns, show index statement bind - #34271
  28. SQL Binder: Support deny user sql bind and add test case - #34279
  29. SQL Binder: Support with segment bind check with UniqueCommonTableExpressionException - #34163
  30. Storage: Support setting hive_conf_list, hive_var_list and sess_var_list for jdbcURL when connecting to HiveServer2 - #33749
  31. Storage: Support connecting to HiveServer2 through database connection pools other than HikariCP - #33762
  32. Storage: Partial support for connecting to embedded ClickHouse chDB - #33786
  33. Transaction: Support savepoint/release savepoint TCL statements in jdbc adapter -#34173
  34. Transaction: Bump the minimum Seata Client version for Seata AT integration to 2.2.0 - #33872
  35. SQL Federation: Upgrade calcite version to 1.38.0 and update all license info in LICENSE file - #33279
  36. JDBC: Add show database name for JDBC when execute SHOW COMPUTE NODES - #33437
  37. JDBC: Support ZonedDateTime on ResultSet - #33660
  38. Proxy: Add query parameters and check for MySQL kill processId - #33274
  39. Proxy: Support table not exist exception for PostgreSQL proxy - #33885
  40. Proxy Native: Change the Base Docker Image of ShardingSphere Proxy Native - #33263
  41. Proxy Native: Support connecting to HiveServer2 with ZooKeeper Service Discovery enabled in GraalVM Native Image - #33768
  42. Proxy Native: Support local transactions of ClickHouse under GraalVM Native Image - #33801
  43. Proxy Native: Support Seata AT integration under Proxy Native in GraalVM Native Image - #33889
  44. Sharding: Support GroupConcat function for aggregating multiple shards in MySQL, OpenGauss, Doris - #33808
  45. Agent: Simplify the use of Agent's Docker Image - #33356
  46. Mode: Support modifying Hikari-CP configurations via props in standalone mode #34185
  47. Encrypt: Support insert statement rewrite use quote #34259
  48. Infra: Support connecting to Firebird via jdbcUrl containing the absolute path to fdb - #34335

Bug Fixes

  1. SQL Parser: Fixes LiteralExpressionSegment cast exception in SQL parser - #33332
  2. SQL Parser: Fixes PostgreSQL and openGauss time extract function parse week and quarter error - #33564
  3. SQL Parser: Fixes MySQL parse zone unreserved keyword error - #33720
  4. SQL Parser: Fixes MySQL range parse error when use table owner - #33874
  5. SQL Binder: Fixes table does not exist exception when use HintManager#setDatabaseName to transparent - #33370
  6. SQL Binder: Use Multimap and CaseInsensitiveString to replace CaseInsensitiveMap for supporting MySQL multi table join with same table alias - #33303
  7. SQL Binder: Fixes the combine statement cannot find the outer table when bind - #33357
  8. SQL Binder: Fixes SQL performance issues caused by repeated subquery fetches - #33361
  9. SQL Binder: Fixes the expression segment cannot find the outer table when binding - #34015
  10. Storage: Fixes cannot connect to HiveServer2 using remote Hive Metastore Server - #33837
  11. Proxy: Fixes BatchUpdateException when execute INSERT INTO ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in proxy adapter - #33796
  12. Proxy: Fixes "ALL PRIVILEGES ON DB.*" is not recognized during SELECT privilege verification for MySQL - #34037
  13. Proxy: Fixes MySQL longblob wrong column type returned by proxy protocol - #34121
  14. Proxy: Fixes MySQL proxy error if insert SQL contains more parameters not in insert values syntax - #34287
  15. Sharding: Remove ShardingRouteAlgorithmException check logic temporarily to support different actual table name configuration - #33367
  16. Sharding: Fixes SQL COUNT with GROUP BY to prevent incorrect row returns - #33380
  17. Sharding: Fixes avg, sum, min, max function return empty data when no query result return - #33449
  18. Encrypt: Fixes merge exception without encrypt rule in database - #33708
  19. Encrypt: Use sql bind info in EncryptInsertPredicateColumnTokenGenerator to avoid wrong column table mapping - #34110
  20. Mode: Fixes JDBCRepository improper handling of H2-database in memory mode - #33281
  21. Mode: Fixes duplicate column names added when index changed in DDL - #33982

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