A lightweight importable library to run a WhyPFS node.
Easiest way to setup an WhyPFS / Estuary core node that peers with any nodes within the IPFS network. This core library decouples the node initialization setup based on the Why's https://github.com/whyrusleeping/whypfs
- Significantly improved default Bitswap parameters
- Default usage of the accelerated DHT client
- Default flatfs parameters work well at large scales on good filesystems (ext4, xfs, probably others)
Using the default will give the most optimal configuration based on whyPFS. It'll also use the default boostrap nodes.
go get github.com/application-research/whypfs-core
peer, err := NewNode(NewNodeParams{Ctx: context.Background()})
if err != nil {
// initialize a node parameter
params := NewNodeParams{
Ctx: context.Background(),
Datastore: NewInMemoryDatastore(),
// create a new config of your own
newConfig := &Config{
Offline: true,
ReprovideInterval: 0,
Libp2pKeyFile: "mykey",
ListenAddrs: []string{"/ip4/"},
AnnounceAddrs: nil,
DatastoreDir: struct {
Directory string
Options leveldb.Options
Blockstore: "",
NoBlockstoreCache: false,
NoAnnounceContent: false,
NoLimiter: false,
BitswapConfig: BitswapConfig{},
ConnectionManagerConfig: ConnectionManager{},
// set it
params.Config = params.ConfigurationBuilder(newConfig)
myNode, err := NewNode(params)
if err1 != nil {
node, err := peer.AddPinFile(context.Background(), bytes.NewReader([]byte("letsrebuildtolearnnewthings!")), nil)
content, err := peer.GetFile(context.Background(), node.Cid())
node, err := peer.AddPinDirectory(context.Background(), "./test/test_directory")
mainDirNode, err := peer.GetDirectory(context.Background(), node)
- An ipld.DAGService.
- AddPinFile method to add a file to a node
- AddPinDirectory function to add a directory to a node
- GetFile function to get a file using a CID
- GetDirectory function to retrieve an entire directory from a ipld.Node
- Custom bootstrap nodes
There are a few examples on how to utilize the node which includes
- how to create a running peer node.
- how to create a CAR file and add it to the peer node
- how to add a file / dir to the peer node.