Releases: arkane-systems/genie
1.31 - waiting on line edition
- genie now waits for systemd to have achieved the "running" state - i.e., all units required for the default target satisfied - before considering the bottle initialized.
- other bug fixes
1.30 - path-cloning edition
- Adds the much-demanded cloning of the outside-bottle path inside the bottle, as a configurable option.
- Moves the dumping of WSL environment variables into the binary, and adds easy configuration option.
- Code cleanup.
1.29 - machinectl and logon edition
Changes in this release include:
- We have now changed to a single-file executable (although still framework-dependent), which cuts down on the mess in /usr/genie/libexec.
- We have also now changed to use systemd-machined to enter the bottle, which fixes the ppid bug and is remarkably more elegant.
** It also lets us offer genie -l, so those who use multiple WSL users or who just like tradition can log in to WSL through a good old-fashioned login prompt. - Upgraded to use .NET 5, rather than 3.1.
1.28 - bug fixes and hostname updateless edition
- Fixed issues with WSL detection.
- Fixed Debian package dependencies for pre-bullseye releases.
- Added option to disable hostname change, now that it can be set in .wslconfig.
1.27 - doin' it properly edition
- Revised packaging to actually conform with Debian packaging rules
- Moved the body of genie to /usr/libexec/genie to avoid polluting the /usr/bin namespace.
- Added man page.
- Other bug fixes.
1.26 - able to stop edition
This release adds the genie -u switch, allowing the bottle, its systemd, and services run by its systemd, to close down cleanly.
1.25 - better idea edition
In which, with the help of a discussion with @BrainStone, we throw out the whole deviations file thing and instead use a secure-path like sudo(8) does. Much simpler!
1.24 - pain in the ass edition
1.24 updates to .NET Core 3.1, and enables the handling of breaking changes and differences between versions using a deviations file.
Note: the binary package you can download from here is the Debian version with a blank deviations file. If your distro differs from Debian in re file locations, you'll need to adjust the deviations file yourself.
1.23 - independent edition
Special release eliminating the dependency on hostess , since I prefer not having dependencies that make breaking changes.
1.20 - warning edition
Misc. bug fixes.
Warns if run under non-WSL Linux or under WSL 1.