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Art edited this page Mar 6, 2016 · 9 revisions

Minecraft Pi edition



If you use a recent NOOBS distro, Minecraft Pi edition is installed. If you have another distro, you can install it...

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install minecraft-pi

on other platforms

The Pi (and pocket) editions are coded and compiled to execute on ARM hardware (socket on chip devices such as smartphones). If you want to code with Minecraft on other platforms like regular PCs, you need to use plugins such as RaspberryJuice -

Using Pi Edition to code...

The main purpose of Pi Edition is the ability to make calls to Minecraft from Python code, as a way to learn programming. The ReadMe has snippets to introduce some of the things you can do.

Introductory course for Minecraft Pi -

Fuller documentation for the Minecraft Python API (including a full list of Block IDs and Data Codes for setBlock commands) -


The world is in Creative Mode by default, but according to there are scripts to set or emulate Survival Mode at


How to transfer worlds in and out of the Pi

According to gamepedia the worlds are stored in


Is there a world.ini file with a Generator section than controls


Credit -

You can use File Manager or Terminal to rename the worlds in their saved folder, simply by changing the folder name (Rename in File Manager or mv in Terminal).


worlds on network shares

  • Can we make Minecraft look at a network share for its worlds?
  • Will it be too slow?


see also the more in-depth server configurations in Lubuild []

general server setup

The official download site for Minecraft Server is the same as the client -

Normally running a Minecraft server requires a host running Java 6 JRE (or newer). Java JDK is a subset of JRE so will also work. OpenJDK 6 on Linux might work but some issues have been reported (credit - )

quick server

How to allow other people on your network to join you in your current world, enter chat and send /publish

credit -

pi auto server

According to the Pi Minecraft ReadMe ... "Networked game - If multiple people connect Raspberry Pis to a local network they can join the same Minecraft world and play together. Players can see each other in the Minecraft world."

(have not yet validated this)

However you may not be able to mix and match editions (PC, Pocket, Pi) , according to

pi server setup

The ArchLinux ARMv7 instructions at claim to be tested on a Pi2.

According to there are two custom servers that support Pocket Edition (PE) on which Minecraft Pi is based:

  • Dragonet
  • PocketMine-MP