Read csv file from Go using tags
The project is in maintenance mode.
It is kept compatible with changes in the Go ecosystem but no new features will be developed. PR could be accepted.
go get
The csv file:
name, ID, number
name1, 1, 1.2
name2, 2, 2.3
name3, 3, 3.4
Your Go code:
type Demo struct { // A structure with tags
Name string `csv:"name"`
ID int `csv:"ID"`
Num float64 `csv:"number"`
tab := []Demo{} // Create the slice where to put the content
err := csvtag.LoadFromPath(
"file.csv", // Path of the csv file
&tab, // A pointer to the create slice
csvtag.CsvOptions{ // Load your csv with optional options
Separator: ';', // changes the values separator, default to ','
Header: []string{"name", "ID", "number"}, // specify custom headers
TagKey: "csv", // specify a custom tag key, default to 'csv'
You can also load the data from an io.Reader with:
csvtag.LoadFromReader(youReader, &tab)
Or from a string with:
csvtag.LoadFromString(yourString, &tab)
Your Go code:
type Demo struct { // A structure with tags
Name string `csv:"name"`
ID int `csv:"ID"`
Num float64 `csv:"number"`
tab := []Demo{ // Create the slice where to put the content
Name: "some name",
ID: 1,
Num: 42.5,
err := csvtag.DumpToFile(tab, "csv_file_name.csv")
You can also dump the data into an io.Writer with:
err := csvtag.DumpToWriter(tab, yourIOWriter)
Or dump to a string with:
str, err := csvtag.DumpToString(tab)
The csv file written:
some name,1,42.5