Yet another tool to decrypt iOS apps using r2frida.
It requires to install Frida on the Jailbroken iOS device:
- Jailbroken device
- Frida installed on the device. (e.g. via Cydia)
- radare2 installed.
- r2frida installed.
- Using PIP:
pip install r2flutch
- Using r2pm:
r2pm -ci r2flutch
- Run
r2flutch -l
to list all the installed apps.
- Run
r2flutch -i <App Bundle>
to pull a decrypted IPA from the device.
- Run
r2flutch <App Bundle>
to pull the decrypted app binary from the device.
error: This feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount one manually Cannot spawn: This feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount one manually
Solution: Run Xcode
error: Cannot attach: Need Gadget to attach on jailed iOS; its default location is: /Users/mak/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib
Solution: 2 steps
- Visit
- download and extract (gunzip) i.e: we'll do this for frida-gadget-15.1.10-ios-universal.dylib.gz but make sure to get the latest
curl -L -o frida-gadget-15.1.10-ios-universal.dylib.gz
gunzip frida-gadget-15.1.10-ios-universal.dylib.gz
mkdir -p ~/.cache/frida
mv frida-gadget-15.1.10-ios-universal.dylib ~/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib