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Zwetan Kjukov edited this page Mar 16, 2016 · 1 revision

When you use the MXMLC compiler you can embed assets with the following metadata

public var something:Class;

This embed metadata can have different options
[Embed(source="file.ext", mimeType="mime")]

You can embed different formats

  • bitmap
    • jpg/jpeg
    • png (with 8bit alpha)
    • gif (with 1bit alpha, no animation)
  • vector
    • svg
    • svg xml (no animation or scripting)
  • audio
    • mp3
  • font
    • ttf
    • otf
    • ttc
    • dfont
  • binary
    • swf (special case)
    • any type

Embedding Options

  • source:
    example: [Embed(source="file.png")]
    Specifies the name and path of the asset to embed;
    either an absolute path or a path relative to the file containing the embed statement.
    The embedded asset must be a locally stored asset.
    Therefore you cannot specify a URL for an asset to embed.

  • mimeType:
    example: [Embed(mimeType="image/png")]
    Specifies the mime type of the asset.

  • smoothing:
    example: [Embed(smoothing=true)]
    Specifies whether the bitmap is smoothed when scaled.
    If true, the bitmap is smoothed when scaled.
    If false, the bitmap is not smoothed when scaled.
    This property can be used with any image format.

  • compression:
    example: [Embed(compression=true)]
    For lossless images only (GIF and PNG)
    specifies to compress the embedded image in the generated SWF file.

  • quality:
    example: [Embed(quality=80)]
    If you specify compression=true, specifies a percentage value,
    between 0 and 100, to control the compression algorithm.
    The lower the value, the higher the amount of compression.

  • scaleGridTop:
    example: [Embed(scaleGridTop=0)]
    Specifies the distance in pixels of the upper dividing line from the top
    of the image in a 9-slice scaling formatting system.
    The distance is relative to the original, unscaled size of the image.

  • scaleGridBottom:
    example: [Embed(scaleGridBottom=0)]
    Specifies the distance in pixels of the lower dividing line from the top
    of the image in a 9-slice scaling formatting system.
    The distance is relative to the original, unscaled size of the image.

  • scaleGridLeft:
    example: [Embed(scaleGridLeft=0)]
    Specifies the distance in pixels of the left dividing line from the left side
    of the image in a 9-slice scaling formatting system.
    The distance is relative to the original, unscaled size of the image.

  • scaleGridRight:
    example: [Embed(scaleGridRight=0)]
    Specifies the distance in pixels of the right dividing line from the left side
    of the image in a 9-slice scaling formatting system.
    The distance is relative to the original, unscaled size of the image.

  • symbol:
    example: [Embed(symbol="SymbolName")]
    example: [Embed(source="file.swf#SymbolName")]
    Specifies the symbol in a SWF file to embed,
    for use with Adobe Flash Player 8 and earlier,
    and for Flash Player 9 static assets.
    Use static assets for simple artwork or skins that do not contain any ActionScript 3.0 code.

  • fontName:
    example: [Embed(fontName="ArialBold")]
    Define the font name associated with the embedded font.
    This is the font parameter of the TextFormat object.

    If you embed a system font you can not use the same string for the font name
    eg. [Embed(systemFont="Arial", fontName="ArialRegular")]
    if you use the same name, for ex: [Embed(systemFont="Arial", fontName="Arial")]
    the compiler will throw a warning.

  • fontFamily:
    example: [Embed(fontFamily="Arial Bold")]
    Sets the alias for the font that you use to apply the font in style sheets.
    This property is required.
    If you embed a font with a family name that matches the family name of a system font,
    the Flex compiler gives you a warning.
    You can disable this warning by setting the show-shadows-system-font-warnings compiler option to false.

  • fontStyle:
    example: [Embed(fontStyle="normal")]
    values: "normal", "italic", "oblique"
    undocumented: "plain", etc.
    Set the style type face value for the font.
    This property is optional, unless you are embedding a face that requires it.
    The default value is "normal".

  • fontWeight:
    example: [Embed(fontWeight="bold")]
    values: "normal", "bold", "heavy"
    undocumented: "plain", "700", etc.
    Set the weight type face value for the font.
    This property is optional, unless you are embedding a face that requires it.
    The default value is "normal".

  • embedAsCFF:
    example: [Embed(embedAsCFF="false")]
    values: "true", "false"
    Indicates whether to embed an FTE-enabled font for components.
    Flash Text Engine (FTE) is a library that provides text controls with a rich set of formatting options.

    For Flex 4 and later, the default value is true.
    If you set the compatibility-version compiler option to 3.0.0, then the default value is false.

    If you set the embedAsCFF property to true, then you can use the advanced formatting features of
    FTE such as bidirectional text, kerning, and ligatures.
    If you set the value of embedAsCFF to false, then the embedded font does not support FTE,
    and works only with the MX text components.

  • advancedAntiAliasing:
    example: [Embed(advancedAntiAliasing="file.ext")]
    values: "true", "false"
    Determines whether to include the advanced anti-aliasing information when embedding the font.

    This property is optional and only used for legacy fonts.
    This property is ignored if you embed a font with the embedAsCFF property set to true.

    You cannot use this option when embedding fonts from a SWF file because this option requires access
    to the original, raw font file to pre-calculate anti-aliasing information at compile time.

  • unicodeRange:
    example: [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041")] (single char)
    example: [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041-007F")] (range)
    example: [Embed(unicodeRange="U+0041,U+0043-00FF,U+0045")] (multiple range)
    format: U+[beginning of range]-[end of range]
    Specify a range (or subset) of characters that compose the face of an embedded font.
    Each character in a font that you use must be described;
    removing some of these characters reduces the overall size of the description information
    that Flex must include for each embedded font.

  • systemFont:
    example: [Embed(systemFont="Arial")]
    example: [Embed(systemFont="Trebuchet Ms")]
    replace option source
    Allows to embed a system font.
    It will embed the font defined by "name" from the computer's Fonts folder.

  • source:
    example: [Embed(source="file.ext")]

Embedding Bitmap

options: source, mimeType, smoothing, compression, quality

MIME Types:

  • "image/gif"
  • "image/jpeg"
  • "image/png"

[Embed(source="file.ext", mimeType="mime", scaleGridTop=0, scaleGridBottom=0, scaleGridLeft=0, scaleGridRight=0)]

Embedding Vector

options: source, mimeType

MIME Types:

  • "image/svg"
  • "image/svg-xml"

Embedding Audio

options: source, mimeType

MIME Types:

  • "audio/mpeg"
package assets.

    // extends Sound
    [Embed (source = "music.mp3")]
    public class SoundTrack extends Sound
        public function SoundTrack(){}

var sound:Sound = new SoundTrack() as Sound;;

Embedding Font

options: source, mimeType

MIME Types:

  • "application/x-font" (system font)
  • "application/x-font-truetype"

Embedding Binary

options: source, mimeType

MIME Types:

  • "application/x-shockwave-flash" (SWF file)
  • "application/octet-stream"

[Embed(source="file.swf", symbol="SymbolName")]
[Embed(source="file.ttf", mimeType="application/x-font", fontFamily="name", fontStyle="name", fontWeight="name", advancedAntiAliasing="true", embedAsCFF="false")]




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