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astiav is a Golang library providing C bindings for ffmpeg

It's only compatible with ffmpeg n7.0.

Its main goals are to:

  • provide a better GO idiomatic API
    • standard error pattern
    • typed constants and flags
    • struct-based functions
    • ...
  • provide the GO version of ffmpeg examples
  • be fully tested

⚠️ breaking changes will be introduced in go-astiav without using the v2 golang pattern. You can see the list of breaking changes here.


Examples are located in the examples directory and mirror as much as possible the ffmpeg examples.

name astiav ffmpeg
BitStream Filtering see X
Custom IO Demuxing see see
Custom IO Muxing see X
Demuxing/Decoding see see
Filtering see see
Frame data manipulation see X
Hardware Decoding/Filtering see see
Hardware Encoding see see
Remuxing see see
Resampling audio see see
Scaling video see see
Transcoding see see

Tip: you can use the video sample located in the testdata directory for your tests


NB: errors are not checked below for readibility purposes, however you should!

First off, all use cases are different and it's impossible to provide patterns that work in every situation. That's why ffmpeg's doc or source code should be your ultimate source of truth regarding how to use this library. That's why all methods of this library have been documented with a link referencing the documentation of the C function they use.

However it's possible to give rules of thumb and patterns that fit most use cases and can kickstart most people. Here's a few of them:

When to call Alloc(), .Unref() and .Free()

Let's take the FormatContext.ReadFrame() pattern as an example. The pattern is similar with frames.

// You can allocate the packet once and reuse the same object in the for loop below
pkt := astiav.AllocPacket()

// However, once you're done using the packet, you need to make sure to free it
defer pkt.Free()

// Loop
for {
    // We'll use a closure to ease unreferencing the packet
    func() {
        // Read frame using the same packet every time

        // However make sure to unreference the packet once you're done with what 
        // have been "injected" by the .ReadFrame() method
        defer pkt.Unref()

        // Here you can do whatever you feel like with your packet

Install ffmpeg from source

If you don't know how to install ffmpeg, you can use the following to install it from source:

$ make install-ffmpeg

ffmpeg will be built from source in a directory named tmp and located in you working directory

For your GO code to pick up ffmpeg dependency automatically, you'll need to add the following environment variables:

(don't forget to replace {{ path to your working directory }} with the absolute path to your working directory)

export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/n7.0/lib/",
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/n7.0/include/",
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/n7.0/lib/pkgconfig",

Building on Windows

Building on Windows requires msys2 / mingw64 gcc toolchain. Read the Quickstart guide to install Msys2.

Once complete run the Mingw64 shell from the installation folder, run the below commands:

# Update Packages
pacman -Syu
# Install Requirements to Build
pacman -S --noconfirm --needed git diffutils mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain pkg-config make yasm
# Clone the repository using git
git clone
cd go-astiav

Then once you clone this repository, follow along the build instructions above.

Notes: For pkg-config use pkgconfiglite from choco. Remember to set CGO and PKG_CONFIG env vars properly to point to the folder where ffmpeg was built.

Why astiav?

After maintaining for several years the most starred fork of goav, I've decided to write from scratch my own C bindings to fix most of the problems I still encountered using goav.


Golang ffmpeg and libav C bindings





