Install and configure Caddy.
An Ansible 2.2 or higher installation.
This role makes use of the Ansible json_filter
that requires jmespath
to be installed on the Ansible machine.
See the requirements.txt
file for further details on the specific version of jmespath
required by the role.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
caddy_download_url: ""
# caddy_download_url: ""
The location of the Caddy binary to be installed.
The example above show how to download a pre-compiled Caddy realease including the http.prometheus
When empty, the role will download Caddy from Github.
caddy_release_tag: "latest"
The Caddy Github release to be installed.
By default, the latest release published at
NB: this option has effect only when caddy_download_url == ""
caddy_user: "caddy"
caddy_group: "caddy"
Caddy system user and group.
caddy_install_path: "/opt"
Directory containing the downloaded Caddy release artifacts.
caddy_bin_path: "/usr/local/bin"
Directory to which the Caddy biyy will be symlinked.
caddy_config_file: "/etc/caddy.conf"
Path to the main Caddy configuration file.
caddy_config_import_path: "/etc/caddy.conf.d"
default: | {
root {{ caddy_web_root }}
Caddy's additional configuration files to be imported in the caddy_config_file
caddy_ssl_certificates_path: "/etc/ssl/caddy"
The Caddy listen ip address and port.
caddy_web_root: "/var/www"
Caddy HTTP server default Web folder.
caddy_log_path: "/var/log/caddy"
Directory containing Caddy logs files
caddy_additional_cli_args: ""
Additional command-line arguments to be added to the Caddy service unit.
For the complete refence of the available CLI arguments please refer to the output
of the caddy --help
$ cat playbook.yml
- name: "Install and configure Caddy"
hosts: all
- { role: atosatto.caddy }
Tests are automated with Molecule.
$ pip install tox
To test all the scenarios run
$ tox
To run a custom molecule command
$ tox -e py27-ansible23 -- molecule test -s caddy-latest
Andrea Tosatto (@_hilbert_)