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NMFlib v0.1.3 Graham Grindlay [email protected] 02/12/2010

=========================== ======== Contents =========

This library contains implementations of a number of popular variants of the Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) algorithm. Currently, the library contains the following algorithms:

[nmf_alg] - The primary wrapper function that all variants can be called from. The wrapper's main responsibly is to handle things like multiple restarts as well as serve as a comon entry point for all the NMF varieties listed below, although you certainly don't need to use it if you don't want to.

[nmf_kl] - The original multiplicative update algorithm presented by Lee and Seung [1] that uses the normalized KL-divergence or I-divergence as its object function: min sum(sum(V||W*H))

[nmf_euc] - The original multiplicative update algorithm presented by Lee and Seung [1] that uses the Euclidean distance for its objective function: min sum(sum((V-W*H).^2)) s.t. W>=0,H>=0

[nmf_kl_loc] - Local NMF [2], a variant of the I-divergence objective that includes additional penalty terms that encourage bases to be compact and orthogonal.

[nmf_kl_sparse_v] - Variant of I-divergence NMF algorithm that includes a weighted penalty term to encourage sparsity in H [3].

[nmf_kl_sparse_es] - Variant of the I-divergence NMF algorithm that includes a weighted penalty term to encourage sparsity in H [4,5].

[nmf_euc_sparse_es] - Variant of the Euclidean NMF algorithm that includes a weighted penalty term to encourage sparsity H [4,6].

[nmf_kl_con] - Implements Convolutive NMF [7] where each basis vector can now be a patch.

[nmf_amari] - Uses the Amari alpha divergence [8] as the basis of the objective function to be minimized.
Different values of alpha yield different divergences such as Pearson's distance (alpha=2), Hellinger's distance (alpha=0.5), and Neyman's chi-square distance (alpha=-1).

[nmf_beta] - Uses the beta divergence [8] as the basis of the objective function to be minimized. This gives difference functions for different values of beta: Itakura-Saito (beta=0), I-divergence (beta=1), Euclidean distance (beta=2).

[nmf_convex] - Implements Convex NMF [9] which tries to find a factorization that minimizes sum(sum((V-VWH).^2)). This leads to an interesting analog to k-means clustering where V*W represents cluster centroids and H encodes the membership of each column of V in each centroid. In contrast to the other NMF algorithms, V can be of mixed sign in Convex NMF.

[nmf_euc_orth] - Implements Orthogonal NMF [11] which tries to keep either the basis or weight vectors as orthogonal as possible while still accurately reconstructing the data.

------- Utilities ---------

[normalize_W] - Normalizes (typically) the columns of the W matrix (several types of normalization are supported).

[normalize_H] - Normalizes the H matrix (several types of normalization are supported).

[parse_opt] - Function to parse name-value argument pairs. This is very much just a simplified version of Mark Paskin's process_options function, but does less error checking so its a little bit faster.

---------- Other ----------

[demo1] - Script that shows the basic use of some of the algorithms on simulated data.

[demo2] - Script that shows how to do basic music transcription using NMF.

=========================== =========== Usage =========

The function 'nmf_alg' is the primary entry point to the library. You can access all NMF variants with this single function. Its signature is as follows:

[W,H,errs,varout] = nmf_alg(V,r,varargin);

For example, to do 500 iterations of rank-5 KL-divergence NMF on a 100x500 element data matrix V, you would call the library as follows:

[W,H,err] = nmf_alg(V, 5, 'alg', @nmf_kl, 'niter', 500);

W will be a 100x5 matrix, H will be a 5x500 matrix, and err will be a 1x500 vector of error values. Now, suppose we want to instead use Virtanen's [03] sparse NMF algorithm with a sparsity penalty of 0.1, but we want to run 3 repetitions of the algorithm (returning the best) to ameliorate the effects of random initialization. In this case, we would do:

[W,H,err] = nmf_alg(V, 5, 'alg', @nmf_kl_sparse_v, 'niter', 500, 'nreps', 3, 'alpha', 0.1, 'verb', 1);

Note that in this case we have also provided a verbosity level (1) which will cause the library to print only the best repetition's final (last iteration) error value. As a final example, suppose we already have W and we want to just solve for H. This is done as follows:

[W,H,err] = nmf_alg(V, 5, 'alg', @nmf_euc, 'W', W);

Obviously, the W returned by the function call will be the same as the one we passed in. Also, since we did not specify the number of iterations, the default value (100) would be used.

Note that it is possible to call the specific NMF variants directly, although you lose the ability to do multiple repetitions. For example, to call the KL-divergence variant directly, you could do:

[W,H,err] = nmf_kl(V, 5, 'niter', 500, 'verb', 2);

--- Standard Parameters ---

The documentation throughout the library uses a standard argument specification format. The name of the argument is followed by its type in brackets. The types are as follows:

[num] - A single scalar number [vec] - A vector of scalars [mat] - A matrix of scalars [cell] - A cell array [str] - A string [bool] - A boolean value [fcn] - A function handle [stct] - A struct

An argument description (which includes any size information) comes after the type and this is followed by the default value for the argument in square brackets.

The following parameters are always passed (in order) to nmf_alg directly):

V [mat] - Input data matrix (n x m) r [num] - Rank of the decomposition

The rest of the parameters are optional (they have default values) and are passed in name-value pairs:

alg [fcn] - Function handle of specific NMF algorithm to use. [@nmf_kl] Functions must conform to the following signature: [W,H,errs,varargout] = f(V,r,varargin); nrep [num] - Number of repetitions to try [1] seedrep [bool] - Use seed-based repitions? [false] If true, only space for a single W and single H are kept around as the random seed is stored and used to reproduce the best run. This means that nrep+1 runs of the algorithm are run. If false, the results of each run are kept and those from the best run are returned at the end. This is faster (only nrep algorithm runs), but uses more memory (nrepnumel(W) + nrepnumel(H)). verb [num] - Verbosity level (0-3, 0 means silent) [1] niter [num] - Max number of iterations to use [100] thresh [num] - Number between 0 and 1 used to determine convergence. [[]] The algorithm has considered to have converged when: (err(t-1)-err(t))/(err(1)-err(t)) < thresh Ignored if thesh is empty norm_w [str] - Type of normalization to use for columns of W [1] Can be 0 (none), 1 (1-norm), or 2 (2-norm) norm_h [str] - Type of normalization to use for rows of H [0] Can be 0 (none), 1 (1-norm), 2 (2-norm), or 'a' (sum(H(:))=1) W0 [mat] - Initial W values (n x r) [[]] Empty means initialize randomly H0 [mat] - Initial H values (r x m) [[]] Empty means initialize randomly W [mat] - Fixed value of W (n x r) [[]] Empty means we should update W at each iteration while passing in a matrix means that W will be fixed. H [mat] - Fixed value of H (r x m) [[]] empty means we should update H at each iteration while passing in a matrix means that H will be fixed. myeps [num] - Small value to add to denominator of updates [1e-20]

These are the standard outputs:

W [mat] - Basis matrix (n x r) H [mat] - Weight matrix (r x m) errs [vec] - Error of each iteration of the algorithm varout [cell] - cell array of additional algorithm-specific outputs

=========================== ========== Design =========

The NMFlib libary was designed with three principles in mind: correctness, speed, and consistency. I have tried to keep the function signatures of each variant as consistent as possible so that it is relatively easy to experiment with different algorithms. Since most of the algorithms support many optional parameters, all non-essential arguments (things other than the data V and the rank r) are passed in name-value pairs (see the demo scripts and examples above). This means that you don't have to worry about remembering any kind of argument order.

The code is NOT object oriented as early experiments suggested that speed and efficiency would suffer. However, the code is reasonably well documented and should therefore be easy to understand and extend. Seeing as this project is very much a work-in-progress, I would very much appreciate any suggestions for improvement and/or bug fixes that you may have. I will continue to add new algorithms as I find the time (there are several in my research pipeline now that should be making their way into v0.2 soon). Also, please drop me an email and let me know if you find the library useful for your work. I'd love to hear about what you're working on and how the code has helped (or perhaps hindered!) you.

Thanks, Graham Grindlay 02/12/2010 [email protected]

=========================== ======= References ========

[01] Lee, D. and Seung, S., "Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization", NIPS, 2001

[02] Li, S. et al., "Learning Spatially Localized, Parts-Based Representation", CVPR, 2001

[03] Virtanen, T. "Monaural Sound Source Separation by Non-Negative Factorization with Temporal Continuity and Sparseness Criteria", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 15(3), 2007.

[04] Eggert, J. and Korner, E., "Sparse Coding and NMF", in Neural Networks, 2004

[05] Schmidt, M. "Speech Separation using Non-negative Features and Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization", Tech. Report, 2007

[06] Schmidt, M. and Larsen, J. and Hsiao, F., "Wind Noise Reduction using Non-negative Sparse Coding", IEEE MLSP, 2007.

[07] Smaragdis, P., "Non-negative Matrix Factor Deconvolution; Extraction of Multiple Sound Sources from Monophonic Inputs", International Symposium on ICA and BSS, 2004.

[08] Cichocki, A. and Amari, S.I. and Zdunek, R. and Kompass, R. and Hori, G. and He, Z. "Extended SMART Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization", Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2006

[09] Ding, C. and Li, T. and Jordan, M., "Convex and Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 99(1), 2008.

[10] Grindlay, G. and Ellis, D.P.W., "Multi-Voice Polyphonic Music Transcription Using Eigeninstruments", IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2009.

[11] S. Choi, "Algorithms for Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2008.

=========================== ======== Changelog ========

03/11/2010 - v0.1 : Initial release

04/09/2010 - v0.1.1 : Fixed bug in nmf_convex.m that prevented proper handling of mixed-sign case (thanks to Charles Martin)

11/04/2010 - v0.1.2 : Fixed bugs in nmf_euc_sparse_es.m and nmf_kl_sparse_es.m that caused the wrong update equations to be used with L1 normalization on W. Also added some error checking to these functions.

11/05/2010 - v0.1.3 : Added support for Orthogonal NMF.


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