Note: Storybook support is currently in an early stage, and there may be bugs, issues, or unsupported features in this plugin. The intention is to make this plugin more production-ready when Aurelia 2 reaches stable release. Currently, it only works with Vite, with Webpack support planned shortly.
This package provides an integration between Aurelia 2 and Storybook 8 using Vite. It lets you write and render Aurelia 2 components as Storybook stories with full support for Storybook controls, actions, and interactive testing.
- Vite-Powered Build: Uses Vite (via the provided preset) to bundle your stories.
- Aurelia Enhancement: Renders Aurelia 2 components using Aurelia's
API. - Storybook 8 Compatibility: Fully compatible with Storybook 8's new rendering API.
- Arg & Action Support: Use story args and actions as you would with any Storybook story.
Install the plugin as a dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev @aurelia/storybook
Also, make sure to have the required dependencies installed in your project:
npm install --save-dev @storybook/addons @storybook/core-events @storybook/builder-vite @storybook/core-common @storybook/preview-api @storybook/types
Tip: Check your existing Aurelia 2 app for already installed versions. The peer dependencies are expected to be compatible with Aurelia 2 beta releases (see
for version details).
To integrate Aurelia 2 with your Storybook instance, follow these steps:
Preset Setup: The package comes with a minimal Storybook preset (see src/preset.ts) that allows you to adjust Vite's configuration if needed. Storybook will use this preset to set up the build system for your Aurelia stories.
Framework Setup: For a full Aurelia 2 integration with Vite and a TypeScript configuration, ensure that your Storybook configuration files are set up as follows:
.storybook/main.ts Create or update your
file with the following contents:import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/core-common'; import { mergeConfig } from 'vite'; const config: StorybookConfig & { viteFinal?: (config: any, options: any) => any } = { stories: ['../src/stories/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx|js|jsx|mdx)'], addons: [ // Addons like: // '@storybook/addon-links', // '@storybook/addon-essentials', // '@storybook/addon-interactions' ], framework: { name: '@aurelia/storybook', options: {}, }, core: { builder: '@storybook/builder-vite', }, viteFinal: async (viteConfig) => { viteConfig.optimizeDeps = viteConfig.optimizeDeps || {}; viteConfig.optimizeDeps.exclude = viteConfig.optimizeDeps.exclude || []; if (!viteConfig.optimizeDeps.exclude.includes('@aurelia/runtime-html')) { viteConfig.optimizeDeps.exclude.push('@aurelia/runtime-html'); } return mergeConfig(viteConfig, { // ...any additional Vite configuration }); }, }; export default config as any;
.storybook/preview.ts Next, update or create your
file with the following code to import the render functions from the Aurelia Storybook plugin:// .storybook/preview.ts // Import the render function from the plugin package. export { render, renderToCanvas } from '@aurelia/storybook';
Note: Addons such as
, and@storybook/addon-interactions
are supported by installing them and adding them to theaddons
array in your configuration. -
Add scripts to your package.json: Add the following scripts to your
file to work with Storybook:"scripts": { "storybook": "storybook dev -p 6006", "build-storybook": "storybook build" }
These scripts will allow you to start Storybook in development mode and build it for production.
Aurelia 2 stories are written similarly to standard Storybook stories, with a few Aurelia-specific details. Below is an example story file (hello-world.stories.ts
) that demonstrates various scenarios:
import { HelloWorld } from '../hello-world';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { userEvent, within } from '@storybook/testing-library';
const meta = {
title: 'Example/HelloWorld',
component: HelloWorld,
render: (args) => ({
template: <hello-world message.bind="message" on-increment.bind="onIncrement"></hello-world>,
argTypes: {
message: { control: 'text' },
onIncrement: { action: 'increment' }
export default meta;
export const DefaultHelloWorld = {
args: {
message: "Hello from Storybook!",
onIncrement: action('increment')
export const InteractiveHelloWorld = {
args: {
message: "Try clicking the button!",
onIncrement: action('increment')
play: async ({ canvasElement }) => {
const canvas = within(canvasElement);
const button = canvas.getByRole('button');
// Simulate three button clicks
export const NoArgs = {
render: () => ({
template: <hello-world></hello-world>
export const WithCustomTemplate = {
render: (args) => ({
template: <hello-world message.bind="message">Click me!</hello-world>
args: {
message: "This is a custom message"
Render Function:
The integration exports a render function (renderToCanvas
) that Storybook calls to mount your Aurelia component on the preview canvas. It clears the canvas, enhances it with Aurelia, and notifies Storybook when rendering is complete. -
Aurelia Enhancement:
Once the canvas is cleared, the integration instantiates a new Aurelia instance, registers your component (and any additional Aurelia modules you may specify), and calls the Aureliaenhance()
API to bind your component's view to the DOM. -
Arg Integration and Interactions:
Just like with other Storybook frameworks, you can make your stories interactive by defining args and using the testing library'splay
function to simulate user interactions.
If you wish to contribute or modify the integration:
Build the package using TypeScript:
npm run build
Watch for changes during development:
npm run watch
Link the package in your Aurelia project:
npm link @aurelia/storybook
Run Storybook in your local Aurelia application to see the integration in action.
Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome. Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project repository.
Special shout out to Dmitry (@ekzobrain on GitHub) for the work he did on Storybook support for earlier versions of Storybook, which helped lay some of the groundwork for this implementation