Releases: aws/aws-sdk-net
Releases · aws/aws-sdk-net
3.7.1003.0 (2025-03-17 18:32 UTC)
- ApplicationSignals (3.7.405.0)
- This release adds support for adding, removing, and listing SLO time exclusion windows with the BatchUpdateExclusionWindows and ListServiceLevelObjectiveExclusionWindows APIs.
- CloudWatchRUM (3.7.402.0)
- CloudWatch RUM now supports unminification of JS error stack traces.
- GeoMaps (3.7.401.0)
- Provide support for vector map styles in the GetStaticMap operation.
- TaxSettings (3.7.404.0)
- Adjust Vietnam PaymentVoucherNumber regex and minor API change.
- WAFV2 (3.7.405.0)
- AWS WAF now lets you inspect fragments of request URIs. You can specify the scope of the URI to inspect and narrow the set of URI fragments.
- Core 3.7.402.20
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.1002.0 (2025-03-14 18:14 UTC)
- CognitoIdentity (3.7.402.33)
- Updated API model build artifacts for identity pools
- CognitoIdentityProvider (3.7.407.8)
- Minor description updates to API parameters
- Glue (3.7.414.0)
- This release added AllowFullTableExternalDataAccess to glue catalog resource.
- LakeFormation (3.7.403.0)
- This release added "condition" to LakeFormation OptIn APIs, also added WithPrivilegedAccess flag to RegisterResource and DescribeResource.
- Core 3.7.402.19
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.1001.0 (2025-03-13 22:07 UTC)
- ACMPCA (3.7.402.0)
- Private Certificate Authority service now supports P521 and RSA3072 key algorithms.
- Amplify (3.7.405.0)
- Introduced support for Skew Protection. Added enableSkewProtection field to createBranch and updateBranch API.
- CloudWatchLogs (3.7.410.0)
- Updated CreateLogAnomalyDetector to accept only kms key arn
- CodeBuild (3.7.413.0)
- AWS CodeBuild now supports webhook filtering by organization name
- DataZone (3.7.409.0)
- This release adds support to update projects and environments
- DynamoDBv2 (3.7.406.0)
- Generate account endpoints for DynamoDB requests using ARN-sourced account ID when available
- Fixed an issue where for a Nullable DateTime property decorated with StoreAsEpochLong attribute, null value was incorrectly stored as -62135596800 in DynamoDB.
- EC2 (3.7.436.0)
- This release changes the CreateLaunchTemplate, CreateLaunchTemplateVersion, ModifyLaunchTemplate CLI and SDKs such that if you do not specify a client token, a randomly generated token is used for the request to ensure idempotency.
- IVSRealTime (3.7.405.0)
- IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to adjust the participant & composition recording segment duration
- MediaPackageV2 (3.7.404.0)
- This release adds the ResetChannelState and ResetOriginEndpointState operation to reset MediaPackage V2 channel and origin endpoint. This release also adds a new field, UrlEncodeChildManifest, for HLS/LL-HLS to allow URL-encoding child manifest query string based on the requirements of AWS SigV4.
- S3Control (3.7.406.0)
- Updating GetDataAccess response for S3 Access Grants to include the matched Grantee for the requested prefix
- Core 3.7.402.18
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.1000.0 (2025-03-11 18:40 UTC)
- EC2 (3.7.435.0)
- This release adds the GroupLongName field to the response of the DescribeAvailabilityZones API.
- ECR (3.7.410.0)
- This release adds Amazon ECR to Amazon ECR pull through cache rules support.
- ECS (3.7.408.47)
- This is a documentation only update for Amazon ECS to address various tickets.
- Inspector2 (3.7.405.0)
- Adding componentArn to network reachability details
- MediaLive (3.7.413.0)
- Add an enum option DISABLED for Output Locking Mode under Global Configuration.
- Core 3.7.402.17
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.999.0 (2025-03-10 18:29 UTC)
- BedrockAgent (3.7.422.0)
- Add support for computer use tools
- BedrockAgentRuntime (3.7.423.0)
- Add support for computer use tools
- Connect (3.7.419.0)
- Add support for contact transfers in external voice systems.
- CostExplorer (3.7.405.0)
- Releasing minor partition endpoint updates.
- MediaLive (3.7.412.0)
- Adds defaultFontSize and defaultLineHeight as options in the EbuTtDDestinationSettings within the caption descriptions for an output stream.
- PcaConnectorAd (3.7.401.0)
- PrivateCA Connector for Active Directory now supports dual stack endpoints. This release adds the IpAddressType option to the VpcInformation on a Connector which determines whether the endpoint supports IPv4 only or IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
- SecurityHub (3.7.403.0)
- This release adds new StandardsControlsUpdatable field to the StandardsSubscription resource
- TimestreamInfluxDB (3.7.406.14)
- This release updates the default value of pprof-disabled from false to true.
- Core 3.7.402.16
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core (2025-03-07 14:25 UTC)
- CloudFront (
- Removed the AmazonCloudFrontUtil utility code that was no longer being used.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Removed the DynamoDBContextTableNamePrefix property. Users should call AWSConfigsDynamoDB.Context.TableNamePrefix instead of AWSConfigsDynamoDB.Context.DynamoDBContextTableNamePrefix.
- Add Support for DateOnly and TimeOnly in DynamoDB high level libraries. This support is available in .NET 8 and above.
- EC2 (
- Removed the VPC utilizes code. It was terribly out of date even referring to EC2 instance type that has been deprecated for years.
- Removed the image utilities used for looking up EC2 amis for Windows OS.
- [Breaking Change] Remove obsolete IPRanges behavior from EC2. IPV4Ranges or IPV6Ranges should be used instead.
- IoT (
- Removed a legacy customization for NextToken override to refer to the actual modeled pagination token.
- Lambda (
- Removed obsolete InvokeAsync service client operation to avoid confusion with the Async suffix added for async .NET methods.
- S3 (
- Remove obsolete DisableMD5Stream property. Code should be updated to use DisableDefaultChecksumValidation property.
- Remove obsolete ServerSideEncryptionMethod and ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId from CopyPart. This should be set in the InitiateMultipartUpload method.
- Remove obsolete Expires property from GetObjectResponse. Code should be updated to use ExpiresString. Since the string may not be in a valid timestamp format code shoud use TryParse when converting to DateTime.
- Remove obsolete region identifiers from S3Region enumeration
- Remove obsolete Prefix property from LifecycleConfiguration. Code should be updated to use Filter property.
- Remove obsolete Transition and NoncurrentVersionTransition from LifecycleRule. Could should be updated to use the collection versions Transitions and NoncurrentVersionTransitions.
- Remove obsolete Event property from TopicConfiguration. Code should be updated to use the collection property Events.
- Remove obsolete CalculateContentMD5Header property. This property no longer needed to be set because the SDK will compute a checksum by default.
- Remove obsolete Bucket property from SelectObjectContentRequest. Code should be updated to use BucketName.
- Remove obsolete NumberOfUploadThreads property from TransferUtilityConfig. Code should be updated to use ConcurrentServiceRequests.
- Remove obsolete DoesS3BucketExist method. Code should be updated to use DoesS3BucketExistV2
- SageMakerRuntime (
- Removed obsolete constructors for PayloadPart.
- SecurityToken (
- Removed the deprecated STS assume role credential provider since users should be using the one in core.
- Core
- Remove obsolete endpoint logic code
- Remove obsolete global
property - Remove the obsolete
property fromClientConfig
all targets except .NET Framework 4.7.2. - Update SDK signers to handle scenarios where anonymous credentials are provided.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.998.0 (2025-03-07 19:30 UTC)
- BedrockAgent (3.7.421.0)
- Introduces support for Neptune Analytics as a vector data store and adds Context Enrichment Configurations, enabling use cases such as GraphRAG.
- BedrockAgentRuntime (3.7.422.0)
- Support Multi Agent Collaboration within Inline Agents
- CloudFront (3.7.404.44)
- Documentation updates for Amazon CloudFront.
- EC2 (3.7.434.0)
- Add serviceManaged field to DescribeAddresses API response.
- ElasticLoadBalancingV2 (3.7.409.0)
- This release adds support for assigning IP addresses to Application Load Balancers from VPC IP Address Manager pools.
- NeptuneGraph (3.7.404.21)
- Several small updates to resolve customer requests.
- Core 3.7.402.15
- Update the SDK's checksum component to skip adding headers when a request is made with anonymous credentials.
- Update the SDK's checksum component to skip algorithms that require the AWS Common Runtime dependency, as those may cause issues in customer's environments.
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.997.0 (2025-03-06 19:25 UTC)
- Bedrock (3.7.414.0)
- This releases adds support for Custom Prompt Router
- CloudTrail (3.7.403.24)
- Doc-only update for CloudTrail.
- IVSRealTime (3.7.404.0)
- IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to merge fragmented recordings in the event of a participant disconnect.
- NetworkFlowMonitor (3.7.401.0)
- This release contains 2 changes. 1: DeleteScope/GetScope/UpdateScope operations now return 404 instead of 500 when the resource does not exist. 2: Expected string format for clientToken fields of CreateMonitorInput/CreateScopeInput/UpdateMonitorInput have been updated to be an UUID based string.
- RedshiftDataAPIService (3.7.403.0)
- This release adds support for ListStatements API to filter statements by ClusterIdentifier, WorkgroupName, and Database.
- WAFV2 (3.7.404.0)
- You can now perform an exact match or rate limit aggregation against the web request's JA4 fingerprint.
- WorkSpaces (3.7.410.0)
- Added a new ModifyEndpointEncryptionMode API for managing endpoint encryption settings.
- Core 3.7.402.14
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core
3.7.996.0 (2025-03-05 19:30 UTC)
- BedrockRuntime (3.7.414.0)
- This releases adds support for Custom Prompt Router ARN
- DataSync (3.7.404.0)
- AWS DataSync now supports modifying ServerHostname while updating locations SMB, NFS, and ObjectStorage.
- GameLiftStreams (3.7.400.0)
- New Service: Amazon GameLift Streams delivers low-latency game streaming from AWS global infrastructure to virtually any device with a browser at up to 1080p resolution and 60 fps.
- IoTFleetWise (3.7.405.0)
- This release adds floating point support for CAN/OBD signals and adds support for signed OBD signals.
- WorkSpaces (3.7.409.0)
- Added DeviceTypeWorkSpacesThinClient type to allow users to access their WorkSpaces through a WorkSpaces Thin Client.
- Core 3.7.402.13
- Update the SDK checksum component to better validate whether the AWS Common Runtime dependency can be used.
- Updating endpoints.json file.
- All services packages updated to require new Core (2025-03-04 14:29 UTC)
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Implement DynamoDBDerivedTypeAttribute to enable polymorphism support for nested items on save and load data.
- S3 (
- Manual sweep of S3 for protocol test compliance.
- Core
- [Breaking Change] Rework how SDK logs can be outputted. The AWSSDK.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerAdaptor and AWSSDK.Extensions.Logging.Log4NetAdaptor adaptor packages were added to support outputting the SDK logs to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging or log4net.
- Do not send null values, but do send empty strings and empty lists over the wire in headers for restxml and restjson protocols
- Improved error message when searching for AWS credentials and no credentials were found.
- The
pipeline handler has been removed and each signer now retrieves credentials from theIdentity
property directly instead. - The
has been marked as deprecated, and theDefaultAWSCredentialsIdentityResolver
class should be used instead. This new class follows the credential resolution order as the other AWS SDKs and will re-evaluate credentials when environment variables (such asAWS_PROFILE
) change - which can happen in interactive PowerShell sessions. - The
property of theRequestContext
has been removed - as it's only applicable to AWS credentials. A new property namedIdentity
is available instead (it'll be used for anonymous and token credentials as well). - The AWS SDK for .NET has been updated to resolve credentials at request time, instead of resolving them when a client is instantiated (note: credentials are still cached between executions, the SDK won't attempt to retrieve them again - e.g. by calling
- if they're valid from a previous call). - The signature for the signer classes (such as
) has been changed as they now implement a new interface. - All services packages updated to require new Core