This project is the source code of lightsailctl
, a tool that
augments Amazon Lightsail features in AWS CLI.
is executed automatically by AWS CLI when certain
subcommands are used, such as aws lightsail push-container-image
$ lightsailctl --plugin -h
Usage of `lightsailctl --plugin`:
--input payload
plugin payload
receive plugin payload on stdin
brew install aws/tap/lightsailctl
is written in Go, so please install Go.
If all you want is to install lightsailctl
binary, then do the following:
go install
Note: the executable is installed in
on macOS/Linux/Unix and in%USERPROFILE%\go\bin
on Windows.
Keep reading if you want to work with lightsailctl
source code locally.
After you clone this repo and open your terminal app in it, you'll be able to test and build this code like so:
go test ./...
go install ./...
Let's consider this command and see what actually happens:
aws lightsail push-container-image \
--service-name hello \
--image hello-world:latest \
--label www
The above command pushes a local container image with tag
to make it available in Lightsail container
service deployments for service hello
This container image pushing logic requires a number of steps that are
outsourced from AWS CLI to lightsailctl
Here's a shell invocation of ligtsailctl
that approximates what AWS
CLI does when the command above is invoked:
$ echo '{
"inputVersion": "1",
"operation": "PushContainerImage",
"payload": {
"service": "hello",
"label": "www",
"image": "hello-world:latest"
}' | lightsailctl --plugin --input-stdin
85fcec7ef3ef: Layer already exists
3e5288f7a70f: Layer already exists
56bc37de0858: Layer already exists
1c91bf69a08b: Layer already exists
cb42413394c4: Layer already exists
Digest: sha256:0b159cd1ee1203dad901967ac55eee18c24da84ba3be384690304be93538bea8
Image "hello-world:latest" registered.
Refer to this image as ":hello.www.73" in deployments.
See for more information.
Aside from the security feedback covered above, do you have any feedback, bug reports, questions or feature ideas?
You are welcome to write up an issue for us.
Please read about Contributing Guidelines.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.