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Generate HTML templates from protobuf

Somewhat cool ! Right ? Checkout the examples:

What is this doing ?

Every time you change a type: the html code for displaying it is generated according to fields.

  • For form it generates <input> fields surrounded by bootstrap form divs. Profile.ID example:
<div class="form-group Profile">
  <label for="ID">ID</label>
  <input class="form-control ID" id="ID" name="ID" type=number step=1 value="{{ID}}" >
  • For table headers, <th>FieldName</th> are generated.
  • For table content, <td>{{FieldName}}</td> are generated.

Check the .js files in the example dir to see the generated code.


run go get If your golang is correctly set up you will now have the command protoc-gen-htmltemplate. If it's the case, then installation went fine.


protoc  protos/*.proto \

To use them now ?

Checkout the example !

This line particularly:

var userFormRendered = Mustache.render( templates.Profile.form, {ID: 42}, templates.Profile.formIncludes() );


The golang generation code is quick and dirty and the generated js is pretty simple.

  • There can be only one level of nesting for a type
  • bytes and groups are ignored
  • only tested with proto3

Why this project ?

I define a lot of things using gRPC. I don't like doing nor maintaining html/javascript/css & I need an admin console that is mostly made of replaceable tools. So I figured generating the most I could from the actual protobuf would make my life much better and easier. It's easy to generate communication and entity files in js from protobuf to execute CRUD. Now I just need to tie things together.


I still had to make some choice though. The project has to be hype resistant and generate boilerplate code so it never gets in the way, or the least possible.

-> Searched "best template engine" and got

-> Searched "best css framework" and got

So the code generated is mustache templates files Forms have bootstrap 4 structure and class names. Every entity has it's own class name taken from entity/field name itself too.

Want to contribute ?

PRs are welcome !

Why is it done in golang ?

The go library for parsing protobuf is maintained by someone else. This library allows me to just decide how things are dumped and not care about parsing.

What's gRPC & protobuf ?

In short: from a .proto file defining your entity and API calls, generate the code that will do the communication in any language you like: js, go, c++, c#, java, python, etc.

Can I edit the generated files afterwards ?

Yeah but next time you run the command the files will be replaced.

