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AzOps Contribution

github-actions edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

AzOps Contribution Guide


The purpose of this wiki is to provide you with a starting point for contribution towards the AzOps PowerShell Module. It provides sample files, folder structure and recommendations on how to get started with contributions.

Recommended tooling

Quick Start Repos

Repo Description
AzOps This repository is for active development of the AzOps PowerShell cmdlets.

How to modify/edit Code locally

  1. Clone repo locally
 git clone

Cloning into 'AzOps'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1783, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (364/364), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (226/226), done.
remote: Total 1783 (delta 276), reused 138 (delta 138), pack-reused 1419
Receiving objects: 100% (1783/1783), 1.60 MiB | 3.89 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1104/1104), done.

  1. Open the code with VS Code


  1. Reopen the code in container by clicking on icon below


It will open the local repo to docker container.

  1. Connect and authenticate to Azure with the Azure PowerShell module
Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication
  1. Then browse into below location: /workspaces/AzOps/scripts" and follow the steps mention in Debug.ps1.


  1. Execute below command to setup the initial module environment.
Import-Module ./src/AzOps.psd1 -Force
  1. To test the Pull, use the below command

NOTE: This will pull the existing state of the Azure Environment under root folder.


Below folder structure can be referenced as example:-

└── tenant root group (e42bc18f)
    ├── applications (73fded8a)
    │   ├── development (204bf7a2)
    │   │   ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-4f687d42.json
    │   │   ├── microsoft.management_managementgroups-204bf7a2.json
    │   │   └── subscription-1 (fdfda291)
    │   │       ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments-securitycenterbuiltin.json
    │   │       └── microsoft.subscription_subscriptions-fdfda291.json
    │   ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-219d3675.json
    │   ├── microsoft.management_managementgroups-73fded8a.json
    │   └── production (75718043)
    │       ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-5bf6a637.json
    │       ├── microsoft.management_managementgroups-75718043.json
    │       └── subscription-2 (ad32efed)
    │           ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments-dataprotectionsecuritycenter.json
    │           ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments-securitycenterbuiltin.json
    │           └── microsoft.subscription_subscriptions-ad32efed.json
    ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-d18adbf0.json
    ├── microsoft.authorization_roledefinitions-40db802e.json
    ├── microsoft.management_managementgroups-e42bc18f.json
    └── platform (4dc7bd90)
        ├── microsoft.authorization_policydefinitions-3029d7f6.parameters.json
        ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-92ebbfe0.json
        ├── microsoft.management_managementgroups-4dc7bd90.json
        └── subscription-0 (1e045925)
            ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments-dataprotectionsecuritycenter.json
            ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments-securitycenterbuiltin.json
            ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments-3d8b69be.json
            ├── microsoft.subscription_subscriptions-1e045925.json
            └── networks
                └── microsoft.resources_resourcegroups-networks.json