A home access point to figure out how to manage lights -Hue-ZigBee- and bridging internet of things
(IoT) over home network (wifi-box)
After deployment, it's available at https://'''Machine-IP-or-URL''':8123 as the local Home Assistant access point.
A dashboard appears and it can manage your home devices as if you had installed a real home nest or the homekit.
Buy a Zigbee gateway from Phoscon and other manufacturers to support individual Lights and devices. Generally uses the UART port as AMA0 in RPi but the Deconz dongle uses USB0.
Add to Zigbee Home Automation
Browse to balena hub of apps Huewiz-pi at balenaHub or one-click
If you forked it and want to be committing changes, use . deploy.sh
to deploy to your own fleet or build new applications
Added Passbolt community edition
Notice: By default the docker-compose.yaml file is set to latest. We strongly recommend changing that to the tag for the version you want to install.
The APP_FULL_BASE_URL environment variable is set by default to https://passbolt.local, using a self-signed certificate.
Update this variable with the server name you plan to use. You will find at the bottom of this documentation links about how to set your own SSL certificate.
You must configure also SMTP settings to be able to receive notifications and recovery emails. Please find below the most used environment variables for this purpose:
Variable name Description Default value
EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_NAME From email username 'Passbolt'
EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM From email address as server account '[email protected]'
EMAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_HOST Server hostname 'localhost'
EMAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_USERNAME Username for email server auth '[email protected]'
EMAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD Password for email server auth 'password'
For more information on which environment variables are available on passbolt, please check the passbolt environment variable reference.
$ balena ssh <device-uuid> passbolt
for instance, whithin SSH web terminal, must be run by the user www-data:
$ su -s /bin/bash -c "bin/cake \
passbolt register_user \
-u <[email protected]> \
-f <yourname> \
-l <surname> \
-r admin" www-data
If it's an update, the cake's migration command create or update the database tables:
$ balena ssh <device-uuid> passbolt /usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake \
passbolt migrate
Set APP_FULL_BASE_URL to https://your-devices-hostname/ and browse to this URL to start setup.
WAP in alpha version Basically, this script's made for linux machines that have got a wireless card or chipset and an ethernet interface connected to the internet.
The host must have access to the Internet in order to share its connection to the Wireless clients. A reboot is needed to allow system services to restart in the correct order (system-resolved isc-dhcp-server hostapd).
This project depends on npmjs balena-cloud-apps. Please call
npm link balena-cloud-apps && npm update
whenever the system complains about balena_deploy
not found.
After npm install succeeded, HuewizPi can be dbuilt and optionally deployed to the device
When you make changes to docker*.template
files and environment *.env
files, you can apply changes that the CPU architecture depends on. To do so, run deployment scripts balena_deploy --nobuild
before to push packages:
./deploy.sh 1 --local [CTRL+C]
./deploy.sh 2 --local [CTRL+C]
./deploy.sh 3 --local [CTRL+C]
Copyright 2018 www.b23prodtm.info - https://github.com/b23prodtm/HuewizPi
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.