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Regularly updated type definitions for the WaniKani API


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Package Versioning

This project follows Semantic Versioning, with versions formatted as x.y.z.

A new Patch Version z includes backwards-compatible bug fixes, corrections to documentation, and other relatively insignificant changes.

A new Minor Version y includes new backwards-compatible library features, new backwards-compatible WaniKani API changes (e.g. new revision, new fields on a resource, etc.), widened TypeScript version support, and deprecatiung (but not removing) existing features to be removed in the next major version.

A new Major Version x includes backwards-incompatible changes such as removing previously deprecated items, backwards-incompatible WaniKani API changes (e.g. removing a field on a resource), or a breaking change in TypeScript that's introduced into the library (we'll try to avoid these as much as possible).

Package Version TypeScript Versions WaniKani API Version Latest API Revision
1.x 4.5 - 5.7 2 20170710


NPM / Yarn / pnpm

Click/Tap to Show Instructions

Run the following command pertaining to your package manager:

npm install @bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types
yarn add @bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types
pnpm install @bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types

Then, import using one of two methods.

Specific API Revision (Recommended)

The module you import from matches a WaniKani API Revision; you shouldn't expect any breaking changes from the package.

import type { WKAssignmentParameters, WKDatableString } from "@bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types/dist/v20170710";
import { stringifyParameters } from "@bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types/dist/v20170710";

Latest API Revision (Not Recommended)

Importing from the index module will always provide types, methods, etc. for use with the latest and greatest API Revision.

import type { WKAssignmentParameters, WKDatableString } from "@bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types";
import { stringifyParameters } from "@bachmacintosh/wanikani-api-types";

Deno via NPM Specifier

Click/Tap to Show Instructions

Deno version 1.28 and up can import the library using an npm specifier.

Be sure to replace x.y.z with your desired version number.

Specific API Revision (Recommended)

The module you import from matches a WaniKani API Revision; you shouldn't expect any breaking changes from the package.

import type {
} from "npm:@bachmacintosh/[email protected]/dist/v20170710";
import { stringifyParameters } from "npm:@bachmacintosh/[email protected]/dist/v20170710";

Latest API Revision (Not Recommended)

Importing from the index module will always provide types, methods, etc. for use with the latest and greatest API Revision.

import type { WKAssignmentParameters, WKDatableString } from "npm:@bachmacintosh/[email protected]";
import { stringifyParameters } from "npm:@bachmacintosh/[email protected]";

Other Environments

Click/Tap to Show Instructions

You can import the modules directly with

Be sure to replace x.y.z with your desired version number.

Specific API Revision (Recommended)

The module you import from matches a WaniKani API Revision; you shouldn't expect any breaking changes from the package.

import type {
} from "[email protected]/dist/v20170710.js";
import { stringifyParameters } from "[email protected]/dist/v20170710.js";

Latest API Revision (Not Recommended)

Importing from the index module will always provide types, methods, etc. for use with the latest and greatest API Revision.

import type { WKAssignmentParameters, WKDatableString } from "[email protected]";
import { stringifyParameters } from "[email protected]";


Type Definitions

We provide various type definitions to help with sending/receiving type-safe elements to/from the WaniKani API.

  • Base Types that define essential WaniKani API building blocks
  • Collections/Reports/Resources that represent whole responses from the API
  • Data that represents only the actual returned data from the API (i.e. the data field on most responses)
  • Parameter Types that can be broken down into a query string to append to a URI for the API (especially when fetching Collections) -- see below.
  • Payloads that represent JSON bodies sent to the API when creating/updating certain resources

We also export various subtypes that fall underneath these main types, in case they're needed to work with partial data.

Type Guards

Most of the types defined here are object types with straightforward structure. Sometimes, however, you may have a string or number that needs to meet specific criteria to be narrowed down to an exact type. So we provide some type guards to verify if a variable is of a given type; these will usually begin with is in their name (e.g. isWKDatableString). See the documentation for more info.

Request Factory

We provide a special class, WKRequestFactory, that returns Request objects with all the information you need to make a request to the WaniKani API. That means the request's method (GET, POST, PUT), the URL (with parameters for Collections or an ID for individual Resources), headers (Authorization, conditional headers, etc.), and a body if you are sending data. You can use these objects in your preferred HTTP API/Library such as the Fetch API, Axios, Needle, Node's https Module, etc.

Helper Functions

There are also multiple helper functions that can assist with formatting and/or validating data sent to the WaniKani API, outside of and in addition to the Request Factory.

  • stringifyParameters converts a Parameters object (e.g. WKAssignmentParameters) into a URL query string to use when filtering a Collection
  • validateParameters does runtime validation on a Parameters object, allowing for more strict validation than TypeScript's type narrowing behavior (i.e. not allowing widening to WKCollectionParameters); it's a good function for those who must be absolutely sure their parameters are of the exact type.
  • validatePayload does runtime validation of Payload objects; while most TypeScript and editor-assisted projects likely won't need this function, it can be useful for pure JavaScript applications.

Markup Matchers

When working with WaniKani's Subjects, you may want to stylize/highlight the markup that's inside the reading/meaning mnemonics and hints. We provide some Regex Literals that can be used to extract one or more of these sorts of markup in WK_SUBJECT_MARKUP_MATCHERS.


See for examples using this library.

Need Help? Want to Contribute?

Please note that this package is community-developed and is NOT officially supported by Tofugu LLC or its staff.

That said, if you have any questions or encounter any problems with this package, please feel free to open an Issue.

We welcome any contributions to help improve this library. Please see the following documents:

Thank you in advance for your contribution(s)!