This script will sync BUNQ transactions to YNAB.
This script is still in development since I just started testing it.
- Add support for multiple budgets
- Optimize API calls
- Add Joint account support
- Fix internal transfers
- Add support for all goal types
- Add more tests
- Add more documentation
- Add CI/CD
- Clone this repository
- Setup config file
cp example.config.yml config.yml
- Fill in the config file with your own data
- bunq_token can be found in the bunq app
- ynab_token can be found in the YNAB settings
- accounts is a list of accounts to sync
- bunq_account_name is the name of the account in bunq
- ynab_budget_name is the name of the budget in YNAB (Top level)
- ynab_account_name is the name of the bank account in YNAB
- Run
make sync
(This will sync all transactions from the last 30 days) - Wait for the script to finish
go install github.com/bad33ndj3/bunq2ynab@latest
bunq2ynab <command> [arguments...]
The commands are:
categories print all categories from YNAB
help shows help message
sync syncs all transactions from bunq to YNAB, from the given days ago
version shows version of the application
- ynab Last year YNAB added support for direct import in the UK and EU. This is a great alternative if your bank is supported.
- bunq2ynab Python script to import transactions from bunq bank to YNAB. Supports listening to messages from bunq so your payments show up in YNAB seconds after you pay.
- syncforynab Although this is a paid service, it's a great alternative if you don't want to run your own script.
- awesome-ynab A curated list of awesome things related to You Need A Budget (YNAB).