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[Virtual Event] API Specifications Conference (ASC) 2021 #83

4 tasks done
celiastampslf opened this issue Apr 8, 2021 · 23 comments
4 tasks done

[Virtual Event] API Specifications Conference (ASC) 2021 #83

celiastampslf opened this issue Apr 8, 2021 · 23 comments


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Virtual Event Submission


Speaker Demographics

  • This event commits to Speaker Diversity and Inclusion.
    • Q Detail the process for measuring Speaker Demographics.
    • A Voluntary speaker demographic information is collected during the CFP process and upon registration. Data collected is used only in aggregate form for reporting attendance totals. Voluntary information requested includes: -Gender identity -Identification with an underrepresented group in technology (race, ethnicity, dis/ability, LGBTQ, etc.) -No all-man programs or panels
    • Q Provide the link for the page related to Speaker Demographics if available.
    • A

Attendee Demographics

  • This event commits to Attendee Diversity and Inclusion.
    • Q Detail the process for measuring Attendee Demographics.
    • A Voluntary attendee demographic information is collected upon registration. Data collected is used only in aggregate form for reporting attendance totals. Voluntary information requested includes: -Gender identity -Identification with an underrepresented group in technology (race, ethnicity, dis/ability, LGBTQ, etc.)
    • Q Provide the link for the page related to Attendee Demographics if available.
    • A

Code of Conduct at Event

Diversity Access Tickets

  • This event commits to the Diversity Access Tickets.
    • Q How many different types of diversity access tickets are available for the event?
    • A We have a scholarship program available, based on need and impact, providing support to traditionally underrepresented and/or marginalized persons in the technology and/or open source communities (including, but not limited to persons identifying as LGBT, women, persons of color, and/or persons with disabilities) who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend OpenAPI Initiative events for financial reasons.
    • Q What are the criteria for qualifying for a diversity access ticket?
    • A Completing the application form (linked on webpage below) with key questions as follows: 1.) Can you receive funding from your company or organization for this event? 2.) Which underrepresented and/or marginalized group do you belong to? 3.) Briefly describe the ways in which you are involved in the technology and/or open source communities.
    • Q Provide a link to the page containing information about Diversity Access Tickets.
    • A
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badging-bot bot commented Apr 8, 2021

Thanks for applying to CHAOSS Badging.

Make sure that you have:

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Hi @celiastampslf and welcome back 😁! It may take until the end of the week to have reviewers assigned to this application, related to an influx of applications. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

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@Nebrethar Thank you!

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badging-bot bot commented Apr 15, 2021

Checklist for @germonprez

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

> Initial checks

  • Event is about Open Source technologies and systems.
  • Event information is publicly available on a website.
  • The Event Code of Conduct is publicly available.
  • The applicant is the organizer of the event.

💡 Make sure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

> Metric based checks

>> Speaker Demographics and Inclusivity

  • Measuring Demographics - The Event has a process for measuring speaker demographics.
  • Speaker Inclusivity - The Event requests feedback from speakers regarding Diversity & Inclusion.

>> Attendee Demographics and inclusivity

  • Measuring Demographics - The Event has a process for measuring Attendee demographics.
  • Attendee Inclusivity - The Event requests feedback from attendees regarding Diversity & Inclusion.

>> Code of Conduct at Event

  • Findability - It is possible to find the Code of Conduct on the Event website.
  • Clarity - Event Code of Conduct provides a definition of expected behaviour.
  • Reporting venue - The event has a venue for reporting violations of the CoC at the event website.
  • Support at Event - The Event Code of Conduct provided information about possible methods to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior.
  • Enforcement - The participants in the Event are required to accept the Code of Conduct.

>> Diversity Access tickets

  • Availability - The event provides one or more Diversity Access Tickets.
  • Ticket allocation - The Event has a process for allocating diversity access tickets.
  • Findability - The information about Diversity Access Tickets is public.

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badging-bot bot commented Apr 15, 2021

Checklist for @Dhruv-Sachdev1313

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

> Initial checks

  • Event is about Open Source technologies and systems.
  • Event information is publicly available on a website.
  • The Event Code of Conduct is publicly available.
  • The applicant is the organizer of the event.

💡 Make sure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

> Metric based checks

>> Speaker Demographics and Inclusivity

  • Measuring Demographics - The Event has a process for measuring speaker demographics.
  • Speaker Inclusivity - The Event requests feedback from speakers regarding Diversity & Inclusion.

>> Attendee Demographics and inclusivity

  • Measuring Demographics - The Event has a process for measuring Attendee demographics.
  • Attendee Inclusivity - The Event requests feedback from attendees regarding Diversity & Inclusion.

>> Code of Conduct at Event

  • Findability - It is possible to find the Code of Conduct on the Event website.
  • Clarity - Event Code of Conduct provides a definition of expected behaviour.
  • Reporting venue - The event has a venue for reporting violations of the CoC at the event website.
  • Support at Event - The Event Code of Conduct provided information about possible methods to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior.
  • Enforcement - The participants in the Event are required to accept the Code of Conduct.

>> Diversity Access tickets

  • Availability - The event provides one or more Diversity Access Tickets.
  • Ticket allocation - The Event has a process for allocating diversity access tickets.
  • Findability - The information about Diversity Access Tickets is public.

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@celiastampslf Thank you for being patient. We have upgraded to v2.0 now, which brings one change to the checklist.

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@celiastampslf Thank you for the submission !!

I had a question - Is there some kind of process where you take feedback from Speakers and Attendees about D&I during or after the conference, to better understand inclusivity from their perspective ?

Looking forward to your response.

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celiastampslf commented Apr 16, 2021 via email

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Hi @celiastampslf! These applications are awesome! Thanks so much.

I have one question/comment and a follow-up with the question from @Dhruv-Sachdev1313


For the registration, I'm guessing the registration form that I see for attendees is similar for speakers. I think that the registration link I followed on the web page is only for attendees. I could have missed the attendee/speaker distinction. In the registration, I really liked the additional information boxes that appear in association with the: Do you identify as a person of color? question. Could you provide a similar approach with: What gender do you identify with? If they select Other Gender Identity, they are given additional information boxes. Such an option could be built from the excellent work found at:

Follow-up Question:

I see that the collect feedback information is provided. This is great. Thank you for that. It could be nice to encourage people to see that section of the page throughout the conference. Just helping people know that this resource is there during the conference.

Thanks again!

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@germonprez Thanks for following up! To answer your questions:

  • Yes, the registration form for speakers is nearly identical to the form for attendees and is hidden via a separate link. The only piece of information that's different on the speaker registration form is that we ask for their cell phone number in case we need to reach them the day of the event.
  • I like the idea of including an open text answer box if Other Gender Identity is selected. I will provide this feedback to our team and see if we can have that updated across the board. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • Regarding D&I feedback collection, we can definitely make sure attendees see this section of the page throughout the conference. We are also planning to include a D&I feedback question on our post-event survey.

Thanks again!

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Thanks @celiastampslf this is super helpful! I've updated the score based on this feedback. If you are able to update the Other Gender Identity question, could you let us know? That would be great.

Thanks again!!

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@celiastampslf Thanks for the answers !!! I have also updated the score and good luck for the event !!

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Thank you both! I'll wait for the badge level to be generated and let you know if there are any questions.

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@celiastampslf I am going to go ahead and generate the badge 😁 Thanks!!

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badging-bot bot commented Apr 21, 2021

Assigned badge: gold
Review percentage: 100

Number of reviewers: 2

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By the way, congratulations on that shiny 100%!!!

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@Nebrethar Awesome, thank you!

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Nebrethar commented Apr 22, 2021

I can go ahead and close this application and provide your badge in the list. Just as a formality, though, I will need you to accept the badge first 😁 Just saying so is enough

I'm excited for you and ASC! Thank you for applying.

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@Nebrethar Accepted!

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Thank you @Dhruv-Sachdev1313 @germonprez for your careful review and attention to detail.

Congratulations @celiastampslf and the API Specifications Conference 2021 on your CHAOSS D&I Gold Badge!

I will go ahead and add the event to the main README for this repository

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badging-bot bot commented Apr 24, 2021

Assigned badge: gold
Markdown Badge Link:

![Assigned badge: gold](;base64,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)

HTML Badge Link:

<img src=';base64,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' alt='D&I Badging badge state: gold'/>

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