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Radosław Mejer edited this page May 9, 2020 · 1 revision

When some query constraints start to duplicate in your application you can define a scope function in the model. It will add a new method to query builder which will apply defined constraints.

Declaring a scope

const User = kex.createModel('User', {
  scopes: {
    active (qb) {
      qb.where('active', true)

Scopes can accept arguments:

const User = kex.createModel('User', {
  scopes: {
    role (qb, roleName) {
      qb.where('role', roleName)

Using scopes

const admins = await

Scopes can be used in inner where() queries:

const jonAdmins = await
  .where(qb => {
      .where('name', 'Jon')

Unlike in Knex, scopes don't have a 'or* (orRole) query methods. If you want to join them using "OR" statement you'll need to combine them with orWhere` method:

const adminsOrUsers = await User.query()
  .orWhere(qb => qb.role('user'))

Global scopes

Global scopes are something similar to "local" scopes. The main differences are:

  • they apply automatically to every query (including updates and deletes)
  • they don't accept any arguments

Declaring global scope

const User = kex.createModel('User', {
  globalScopes: {
    active (qb) {
      qb.where('active', true)

Ignoring global scopes

The model query builder allows ignoring selected global scopes. This can be done in a few ways:

  • withoutGlobalScope(name) ignore single scope
  • withoutGlobalScopes([name]) ignore list of scopes
  • withoutGlobalScopes() ignore all global scopes
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