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Fabian Morón Zirfas edited this page Mar 24, 2020 · 36 revisions

This is the internal dev corner of basil.js, probably not really interesting. For tutorials, examples and documentation go to the official website:

Development Environment Setup (OS X)

  • install Node.js (4.5 or higher) using one of these methods
  • Fork the GitHub repository to your account
  • clone your repo git clone [email protected]:[YOUR USER NAME]/basil.js.git ~/Documents/basil/bundle
  • Install the bundling dependencies


# cd into the bundle folder
# normally this is ~/Documents/basil/bundle
cd ~/Documents/basil/bundle
# install all the tools needed to bundle basil.js
npm ci
# watch for changes in the ./src/ folder
npm run watch
  • Install Sublime Text
  • Install Sublime package sublime-jsdocs "DocBlockr"
  • Install Sublime package SublimeLinter
  • Install Sublime package SublimeLinter-eslint
  • Install the Indesign Build Script in Sublime Text. Copy the folder Basiljs (bundle/extras/Sublime Text/Basiljs) to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory e.g. OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Basiljs
  • In Sublime go to Project -> Open Project... and select basil.sublime-project

Coding Conventions and Rules

basil.js uses "Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language" by Douglas Crockford with these modifications:

  • The unit of indentation is two spaces

Furthermore these structures turned out to be best practice in the basil.js source file:

Checking Primitives

  • typeof var === 'undefined'
  • typeof var === 'number'
  • typeof var === 'string'
  • typeof var === 'boolean'

For Complex Objects

  • var instanceof PageItem
  • var instanceof TextFrame
  • var instanceof Function

or even better use our type util functions: isString(), isNumber(), isText() etc.

Adding new features/branches

To add a new feature on a new branch (from the command line) you should use the following commands.

# get the latest changes
git pull origin develop
# create a new branch
git branch my-new-feature
# change into that branch
git checkout my-new-feature
# edit the hell out of it.
# some time later
# if there is a new file add it to the index
git add my-file.js test/aweseome-feature-tests.js
# commit only the changed file
git commit my-file.js -m "added awesome feature"
# also commit the changelog
git commit changelog.txt -m "added infos to changelog"
# don't forget to commit the bundled basil.js file as well
git commit basil.js -m "bundled basil.js"
# if you added a test you also need to commit them
git commit test/aweseome-feature-tests.js test/all-test.js -m "added awesome tests" 
# you could commit all these files together, but it is easier to review 
# if you make a commit for each file
# push it to the remote
git push origin my-new-feature
# go back to the develop branch
git checkout develop
# wait for a review of other collaborators

Checklist for creating a Pull Request

  • Create your PR against the develop branch. The master branch is used for releases only.
  • If you change any files in src/includes, make sure to bundle a new basil.js file before committing by running npm run watch or npm run bundle.
  • If you add or fix a feature, add it to changelog.txt
  • If possible, add tests for new features or features with missing tests.

API Documentation

basil.js uses Documentation.js with JSDoc to document public API functionality.

Please see the documentation of the on how to build the docs.

Utf-8 Bom Commits Issues

don't create new files in extendscript! for some reason extendscript adds (sometimes) an utf-8 bom flag to files, which causes problems in github. if you have such a file you can "repair" it with the following terminal commands: vim file.jsx :set nobomb :wq

Git Snippets

How to create a tag

commit your changes, get the commit id e.g. 5e7ddab4f8, then add the tag with the following commands:

  • create the tag git tag -a "0.21_private_beta_end_of_world" -m "private beta release" 76497cd600
  • check the tag git log --oneline --decorate --graph
  • commit the tag to the repo git push --tags

Hard reset to origin/master

  • if working directory not clean: git stash
  • git fetch --all
  • git reset --hard origin/master
  • if stashed: git stash pop (to reinsert last working state)

Review your changes before committing

to get a overview what you are actually commiting use:

git add -p

This will give you an interactive prompt to only commit the changes you really need. You can also just patch one file in the interactive prompt by running:

git add path/to/FILE.EXT -p

After that run

git commit -m "your message"

If you have something that you don't want to be added and you want your copy of Basil.js clean. Run this command after your commit:

git checkout -- .

It will reset everything to the latest commit.