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This is the internal dev corner of basil.js, probably not really interesting. For tutorials, examples and documentation go to the official website: http://basiljs.ch
- install Node.js (4.5 or higher) using one of these methods
- Homebrew or creationix/nvm: Node Version Manager or from download Node.js (Download is not recommended. The changes in Node.js are so fast it makes sense to use some kind of package/version manager)
- Fork the GitHub repository to your account
- clone your repo
git clone [email protected]:[YOUR USER NAME]/basil.js.git ~/Documents/basil/bundle
- Install the bundling dependencies
# cd into the bundle folder
# normally this is ~/Documents/basil/bundle
cd ~/Documents/basil/bundle
# install all the tools needed to bundle basil.js
npm ci
# watch for changes in the ./src/ folder
npm run watch
- Install Sublime Text
- Install Sublime package sublime-jsdocs "DocBlockr"
- Install Sublime package SublimeLinter
- Install Sublime package SublimeLinter-eslint
- Install the Indesign Build Script in Sublime Text. Copy the folder
(bundle/extras/Sublime Text/Basiljs
) to your Sublime Text 2Packages
directory e.g. OS X:~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Basiljs
- In Sublime go to Project -> Open Project... and select basil.sublime-project
basil.js uses "Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language" by Douglas Crockford with these modifications:
- The unit of indentation is two spaces
Furthermore these structures turned out to be best practice in the basil.js source file:
- typeof var === 'undefined'
- typeof var === 'number'
- typeof var === 'string'
- typeof var === 'boolean'
- var instanceof PageItem
- var instanceof TextFrame
- var instanceof Function
or even better use our type util functions: isString(), isNumber(), isText() etc.
To add a new feature on a new branch (from the command line) you should use the following commands.
# get the latest changes
git pull origin develop
# create a new branch
git branch my-new-feature
# change into that branch
git checkout my-new-feature
# edit the hell out of it.
# …
# …
# some time later
# if there is a new file add it to the index
git add my-file.js test/aweseome-feature-tests.js
# commit only the changed file
git commit my-file.js -m "added awesome feature"
# also commit the changelog
git commit changelog.txt -m "added infos to changelog"
# don't forget to commit the bundled basil.js file as well
git commit basil.js -m "bundled basil.js"
# if you added a test you also need to commit them
git commit test/aweseome-feature-tests.js test/all-test.js -m "added awesome tests"
# you could commit all these files together, but it is easier to review
# if you make a commit for each file
# push it to the remote
git push origin my-new-feature
# go back to the develop branch
git checkout develop
# wait for a review of other collaborators
- Create your PR against the
branch. Themaster
branch is used for releases only. - If you change any files in
, make sure to bundle a new basil.js file before committing by runningnpm run watch
ornpm run bundle
. - If you add or fix a feature, add it to
- If possible, add tests for new features or features with missing tests.
basil.js uses Documentation.js with JSDoc to document public API functionality.
Please see the documentation of the github.com/basiljs/basiljs.github.io on how to build the docs.
don't create new files in extendscript! for some reason extendscript adds (sometimes) an utf-8 bom flag to files, which causes problems in github. if you have such a file you can "repair" it with the following terminal commands:
vim file.jsx
:set nobomb
commit your changes, get the commit id e.g. 5e7ddab4f8, then add the tag with the following commands:
- create the tag
git tag -a "0.21_private_beta_end_of_world" -m "private beta release" 76497cd600
- check the tag
git log --oneline --decorate --graph
- commit the tag to the repo
git push --tags
- if working directory not clean:
git stash
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
- if stashed:
git stash pop
(to reinsert last working state)
to get a overview what you are actually commiting use:
git add -p
This will give you an interactive prompt to only commit the changes you really need. You can also just patch one file in the interactive prompt by running:
git add path/to/FILE.EXT -p
After that run
git commit -m "your message"
If you have something that you don't want to be added and you want your copy of Basil.js clean. Run this command after your commit:
git checkout -- .
It will reset everything to the latest commit.