Dotties is a Mac tool for managing your dotfiles via GitHub.
Dotties packages are extensions that can be shared. Your entire dotfiles repo
is a dotties package, so you can install it on multiple computers to keep your
dotfiles in sync. You can also install extensions from others to enhance your
own dotfiles. For example, the search behavior in .vimrc
can be extracted as
an extension which can be added to your existing configuration through dotties
package management.
To get started check out my core file
Dotties package is just a collection of dotfiles such as vimrc
, tmux.conf
etc. Dotties will make sure that your config file and the package's config file
are both included correctly.
In order to achieve this Dotties will create a single config file (say
) that sources both your tmux.conf
and your package's
Files from the packages are installed in ~/.dotties/packages/${USERNAME-REPO}
and are never modified by dotties, so feel free to update these files in place
and commit them back to GitHub.
You can install dotties from Homebrew.
brew install bayleeadamoss/formulae/dotties
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL | bash
source /etc/profile.d/
rvm install ruby-2.2
cd /tmp
git clone
cd dotties-core/bin
mv ../lib /usr/local/bin/.dotties-lib
cat dotties | sed -e 's|../lib|.dotties-lib|g' > /usr/local/bin/dotties
Create a repo on GitHub with your dotfiles inside of it.
Let's assume the directory structure looks like this:
|-- vimrc
|-- tmux.conf
Dottie works with GitHub for package management, so any short GitHub url can be
a dotties package. For instance
would be
installed as bayleedev/dotties
. So converting your current dotfiles into a
dotties repo is seamless.
To install a repo simply run:
dotties install bayleedev/dotties
Optionally, you can have a .dotties.yml
if you wish to include additional
packages or you want to ignore files such as a readme
or pictures of your dog.
A simple .dotties.yml
might look lke this:
- bayleeadamoss/dotties-vim-movements
This says that next time you install or update your dotfiles to ignore the
file and to include the package