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This repo will have a custom elasticsearch plugin which allows to do aggregation on stored binary representations of hyperloglogplus data structure.


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Elasticsearch HyperloglogPlus Aggregator

Simple aggregation which allows the aggregation of HyperloglogPlus serialized objects which have been saved as a binary field in Elasticsearch.


The HyperloglogPlus data structure allows us to compute the cardinality of a multiset with a small trade-off in accuracy. One of the interesting properties of Hyperloglog is that it allows to merge more than one Hyperloglog to compute total multiset cardinality.

This plugin uses a HyperloglogPlus implementation from stream-lib. We first considered Elasticsearch HLL implemenation, but decided to go with stream-lib as ES implementation may change and usage of HyperLogLogPlus directly is not supported.

Sample Use Case

Unique audience count

Given a data set of social media posts with a few billion visits and 10 million posts ( with hashtags) , we must count the distinct count of users who had seen a combination of hashtags associated with pages . One approach would be to index each user as a document with posts and their hashtags as properties in the document. This demands a huge index and the view is very 'user centric'.

Instead, the approach used here is to index each post as a document with a hyperloglog binary field representing unique visitors for that post. Then, using the hyperlogsum aggregation provided by this plugin, unique visitors can be computed by any post dimension ( such as hashtags here).

Computing Hyperloglog binary field to index can be done by one of these ways:

1 - As demonstrated in the integration tests, directly using stream-lib with same precision used by plugin internally (HyperUniqeSumAggregationBuilder.SERIALIZED_DENSE_PRECISION, HyperUniqeSumAggregationBuilder.SERIALIZED_SPARSE_PRECISION)

2 - If using spark to index data into elasticsearch, an example UDAF has been provided which internally uses the same precision.

3 - One could also build a custom UDAF for your stack, modeled on the spark version (feel free to contribute back!)


Elasticsearch Versions

Since this plugin might change with minor versions of ES , Source code is organized into ES version specific directory. Currently we support ES 5.4.3.

Please create an issue if a different ES-version-specific release needs to be made.


Switch to ES version specific directory .

cd es-5.4.3

In order to install this plugin, you need to create a zip distribution first by running

gradle clean assemble

This will produce a zip file in build/distributions.

After building the zip file, you can install it like this

bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/elasticsearch-hyperloglogplus/build/distribution/

Elasticsearch Mappings

Since we are using binary field in ES for storing HLL, doc_values should be set to true in the mapping declaration.

Indexing Example

hll field should be mapped to type = binary and doc_values = true, like using an index template in below example

curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_template/template_1 -d '
  "order": 0,
  "template": "*",
  "mappings": {
    "product": {
      "properties": {
        "hll": {
          "type": "binary",
          "doc_values": true
        "desc": {
          "type": "text",
          "fields": {
            "keyword": {
              "type": "keyword"
  "aliases": {}

python sample code to populate index

import json
import requests

data = {
          "desc" : "bar",
          "hll" : "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"

url = 'http://localhost:9200/newindex/product/a'

for  i in range(1,100): + str(i),json = data)

Querying with custom aggregation

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_search?pretty=true&size=0' -d '{ "query" : {"match_all" : {}}, "aggs" : { "desc.keyword" : { "terms" : { "field" : "desc.keyword"}  ,  "aggs" : {  "uniq" : {"hyperlogsum" : { "field" : "hll" } } } } } }'

  "took" : 36,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 99,
    "max_score" : 0.0,
    "hits" : [ ]
  "aggregations" : {
    "desc.keyword" : {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
      "buckets" : [
          "key" : "bar",
          "doc_count" : 99,
          "uniq" : {
            "value" : 200.0

Bugs & TODO

  • Use an encoding format for HLL ( Like REDIS )
  • Consider LogLog Beta
  • HLL Mapping Type


Thanks to David Pilato's gradle cookie cutter generator to make plugin projects easier.


This repo will have a custom elasticsearch plugin which allows to do aggregation on stored binary representations of hyperloglogplus data structure.







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