AVR-ASM-Sublime is avr assembler syntax definition for Sublime Text 2 editor. Support both ASM v1.0 and ASM v2.0 constructions.
./avr-asm.JSON-tmLanguage JSON syntax definition source
./avr-asm.tmLanguage XML syntax definition for Sublime Text
./README.md This file with markdown markup
There are three ways to install this syntax definition.
- Simplest way. Download repository content to your local disk and copy folder
(renamed) to Sublime packages directory. - Another simplest way.
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/packages && git clone git://github.com/voventus/AVR-ASM-Sublime.git
- Preferred way. Install this syntax definition through package control: Preferences ► Package Control ► Install Package ► AVR-ASM-Sublime
Restart Sublime if needed.
As usual: View ► Syntax ► AVR ASM