This is an unofficial project to improve and test PointMLP's performance for scene segmentation. Originally, PointMLP was developed for 3d object classification and segmentation on the ShapeNet dataset - outperforming heavyweight transformer models.
We - Friedrich Dang, Begüm Altunbas, Görkem Güzeler and Han Keçeli tested several modifications of PointMLP on Stanford's 3D Indoor Scene Dataset (S3DIS). We improved its performance by 3-5% across various categories by exchanging the non-learnable max-pooling aggregation function with self-attention layers for the global feature extraction. Together with an MLP, feature density is kept high and a former upsampling procedure was made redundant.
Some test results on S3DIS for some of our modifications are summarized below.
Modification | Accuracy | Instance mIOU | Class mIOU |
None | 0.67 | 0.65 | 0.52 |
Random Sampling | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.53 |
Poisson + FPS Sampling | 0.68 | 0.64 | 0.51 |
GAM Non-Linear Normalization | 0.61 | 0.59 | 0.47 |
Self-Attention global context | 0.70 | 0.69 | 0.56 |
Multihead Self-Attention - color and global context | 0.70 | 0.69 | 0.57 |
conda create -n pointmlp python=3.7 -y
conda activate pointmlp
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -y
# if you are using Ampere GPUs (e.g., A100 and 30X0), please install compatible Pytorch and CUDA versions, like:
# pip install torch==1.8.1+cu111 torchvision==0.9.1+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f
pip install cycler einops h5py pyyaml==5.4.1 scikit-learn==0.24.2 scipy tqdm matplotlib==3.4.2
pip install pointnet2_ops_lib/.
Make data folder under part_segmentation/data
Download our subsample of S3DIS dataset from
Download the S3DIS dataset to that folder and save it as custom_s3 (arrange root path in accordingly).
To perform evaluation please download model checkpoints from the same drive link and place it under /checkpoints folder (arrange paths accoringly).
Train & Test pointMLP
# train pointMLP
cd part_segmentation
python --model pointMLP
# please add other paramemters as you wish.
# eval pointMLP
python --model pointMLP --eval True
- Visualize pointMLP on S3DIS dataset
# visualize pointMLP
cd part_segmentation
python --log_dir pointmlp --test_area 5 --visual
# make sure that you have log/sem_seg/pointmlp/visual & log/sem_seg/pointmlp/logs folders created and correct checkpoint in checkpoints folder. saves .obj files inside log folder for 11 test instances with gt and predictions. To visualize these .obj files we have another script (arrange the .obj file path accordingly). Beware that Meshlab shows all points in white color thus it is recomended to use Example .obj files are placed in the google drive link.
P.S: The data preprocessing (creating custom_s3/x.npy files), visualization and dataloader codes are based on and modified according to our project needs.
- Make data folder and download the dataset
cd part_segmentation
mkdir data
cd data
wget --no-check-certificate
- Train pointMLP
# train pointMLP
python --model pointMLP
# please add other paramemters as you wish.
Train: The dataset will be automatically downloaded, run following command to train.
By default, it will create a folder named "checkpoints/{modelName}-{msg}-{randomseed}", which includes args.txt, best_checkpoint.pth, last_checkpoint.pth, log.txt, out.txt.
cd classification_ModelNet40
# train pointMLP
python --model pointMLP
# train pointMLP-elite
python --model pointMLPElite
# please add other paramemters as you wish.
To conduct voting testing, run
# please modify the msg accrodingly
python --model pointMLP --msg demo
The dataset will be automatically downloaded
- Train pointMLP/pointMLPElite
cd classification_ScanObjectNN
# train pointMLP
python --model pointMLP
# train pointMLP-elite
python --model pointMLPElite
# please add other paramemters as you wish.
By default, it will create a fold named "checkpoints/{modelName}-{msg}-{randomseed}", which includes args.txt, best_checkpoint.pth, last_checkpoint.pth, log.txt, out.txt.
Our implementation is mainly based on the PointMLP codebase. We gratefully thank the authors for their wonderful works.
author = {{Armeni}, I. and {Sax}, A. and {Zamir}, A.~R. and {Savarese}, S.
title = "{Joint 2D-3D-Semantic Data for Indoor Scene Understanding}",
journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
eprint = {1702.01105},
primaryClass = "cs.CV",
keywords = {Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computer Science - Robotics},
year = 2017,
month = feb,
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
open review | arXiv | Primary contact: Xu Ma
PointMLP is under the Apache-2.0 license.