See TODO List and fuck your tasks off! LOL
See issue page and fuck all issues off please.
"IsInternal": "true",
"Name": "No_Consume",
"Length": "0",
"PopulationCoefficient": "0",
"PopulationIntercept": "0",
"FirstSpreadMountRate": "1",
"SpreadConditionRate": "1",
"Description": "fooooooooooooooooo"
The gene above is the minimal json version of coding gene. The properties given above are essential.
"FirstSpreadMountRate": "1",
The properties above must be both sans-zero.
"SpreadConditionRate": "0",
Means always spreading.
The model of the coding gene contains several properties like xxxxxxxName and we named those string type properties The Main Key of xxxxxxxx.
In the effect methods written so far, if The Main Key of xxxxxxxx is Empty ("") or Null Reference, the method will not be invoked.
"Name": "No_Consume",
"Length": "0",
"PopulationCoefficient": "0",
"PopulationIntercept": "0",
"ConsumeChemicalName": "",
"ConsumeChemicalCoeffeicient": "0",
"ConsumeChemicalIntercept": "0",
"IsConsumePublic": "False",
"ProductionChemicalName": "Demo",
"ProductionChemicalCoeffeicient": "1",
"ProductionChemicalIntercept": "2",
"ImportChemicalName": "Demo",
"ImportChemicalCoeffeicient": "1",
"ImportChemicalIntercept": "2",
"FirstSpreadMountRate": "1",
"SpreadConditionRate": "1",
"Description": "fooooooooooooooooo"
The gene above will never call the consume method.
Once the gameplay itself is fixed, we can begin to refine its looking.
When holding a bacteria/ chemical you can not active/de-active a block.
Left Click to active/ right click to de-active.
Left Click multiple times can change the capacity of a block.
Left Click to add to block(can add multiple tiems)/Right Click to discard the holding.
Z to discard last bacteria/ X to discard last chemical.
Bacteria reads from Resources/Save/strain.json; Chemicals reads from Resources/GameData/chemicals.json.
Export to Resources/Save/map_generation.json
GameScene reads map from Resources/GameData/map.json
The in-game fade in animation remain unimplemented, but the API is easy to use.
We use excel to edit raw data and for 2json, you can use THIS SITE
to convert the excel to json file.
see CellWar.Document/game_data.xlsx file to make sense about the core game data of CW.
The repository contains following folders in root directory.
- CellWar.Game - Unity3d project.
For the fucking previous commits were not using gitignore file, it might takes you a fucking shit long time to clone the whole repository. So you can clone like this.
$ git clone --depth=1
Or you want pull the latest change.
$ git pull --depth=1
Or a lazier way.
$ .
You should install ppbash first enable to use the [go] command.
$ .
For powershell,
PS >. open_scene.ps1