An extension for flake8 that validates tests structure, extra style and readability.
Right now our checker:
- validates existence of reason in
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Super annoying test, fix it later')
It helps everyone easily understand what was the problem in the first place and reduces amount of time wasted on fixing xfailed tests.
- validates that test modules are in the described directories. It can be configured
allowed_test_directories = test_unit,test_integration,test_api
If file with prefix test_
is not in allowed directories list, it will raise
an error:
tests/ FP003 File tests/ is in the wrong directory.
Allowed directories: test_unit,test_integration,test_api,test_migration
- validates that test function has a not too complicated signature. Allowed number
of arguments for test can be configured in
allowed_test_arguments_count = 6
If test function has too complex signature, it will raise an error:
tests/test_integration/ FP004 test_save_method has too complex
signature. Allowed count of arguments is 6
- validates that test function has a not too complicated assertion block.
Allowed number of asserts for test can be configured in
allowed_assert_count = 6
If test function has too complex assertion block, it will raise an error:
tests/test_integration/ FP005 test_save_method has
too many assert statements. Allowed count of asserts is 6
- validates that
decorator has until argument. Until argument must be specified as a
value and not older than the current date. For example:
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Test', until=date(2020, 9, 7))
If xfail
does not have such mark, flake8 will raise an error:
tests/test_unit/ FP006 xfail mark has wrong format.
It should has `until` argument
in case you forgot to specify until
tests/test_unit/ FP007 xfail mark has wrong format.
It should has `until` argument with type
in case you specified it in wrong format
tests/test_unit/ FP008 stale xfail mark
in case you have too old xfail
validates that test function uses unique names
validates that test function uses
for those fixtures, which are not directly referenced in test body
For example, checking this function
# file:
def test_something(fixture_one, fixture_two):
assert fixture_two.some_attribute is not None
would raise:
tests/test_unit/ FP010 test_something should use fixtures
as follows: @pytest.mark.usefixtures('fixture_one')
pip install flake8-fine-pytest
Sample file:
def test_xfail() -> None:
def test_xfail() -> None:
$ flake8 FP001 xfailed test with empty reason FP002 xfailed test without reason
We would love you to contribute to our project. It's simple:
- Create an issue with bug you found or proposal you have. Wait for approve from maintainer.
- Create a pull request. Make sure all checks are green.
- Fix review comments if any.
- Be awesome.
Here are useful tips:
- You can run all checks and tests with
make check
. Please do it before CI does. - We use BestDoctor python styleguide.
- We respect Django CoC. Make soft, not bullshit.