This is a fork of the LaTeX beamer theme for the University of Ghent, based on nschloe/ua-beamer.
The aim of the fork is slightly different: to provide a full, but minimal beamer theme for the Ghent University. The minimal theme only provides the correct color setup per faculty, and a custom title page with the faculty banner. Another general purpose beamer theme can be used as template for the other frames. This theme should be loaded before the UGent theme.
For example:
To use the theme, either copy the necessary *.sty/images from the theme folder to your presentation folder, or copy them to your tex theme folder. On a linuxbox the following lines would accomplish the latter.
git clone
mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/UGent/
cp -r ugent-beamer/* ~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/UGent/
texhash ~/texmf
To check if the themefile is found
kpsewhich beamerthemeMiniUGent.sty
If you want the themes in a hidden home directory, change ~/texmf to ~/.texmf:
sudo emacs $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf)