convert excel rows to javabeans and vice versa.
// ...
Workbook workbook = getClassPathWorkbook("member.xlsx");
ExcelToBeans excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(workbook);
List<BeanWithTitle> beans = excelToBeans.convert(BeanWithTitle.class);
// ...
public class BeanWithTitle extends ExcelRowRef implements ExcelRowIgnorable {
@ExcelColTitle("会员姓名") String memberName;
@ExcelColTitle("卡名称") String cardName;
@ExcelColTitle("办卡价格") String cardPrice;
@ExcelColTitle("性别") String sex;
@Override public boolean ignoreRow() {
return StringUtils.startsWith(memberName, "示例-");
// getters and setters ignored
@Data @Builder
public class ExportFollowUserExcelRow {
@ExcelColTitle("序号") private int seq;
@ExcelColTitle("客户姓名") private String name;
@ExcelColTitle("客户类型") private String grade;
@ExcelColTitle("性别") private String gender;
@ExcelColTitle("手机号码") private String mobile;
@ExcelColTitle("建档时间") private String createTime;
@ExcelColTitle("来源渠道") private String sources;
@ExcelColTitle("跟进总数") private String followTotalNum;
@ExcelColTitle("当前所属会籍") private String advisorName;
@ExcelColTitle("最近跟进人") private String currentFollowName;
@ExcelColTitle("最近跟进时间") private String currentFollowTime;
Workbook templateWorkbook = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("assignment.xlsx");
BeansToExcel beansToExcel = new BeansToExcel(templateWorkbook);
List<ExportFollowUserExcelRow> members = Lists.newArrayList();
Workbook workbook = beansToExcel.create(members);
ExcelToBeansUtils.writeExcel(workbook, name);
Now the image in excel can be bound to bean field of type ImageData.
The image's axis will be computed to match the related cell.
public class ImageBean {
private ImageData imageData;
private String name;
public void testImage() {
Workbook val workbook = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("images.xls");
ExcelToBeans excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(workbook);
List<ImageBean> beans = excelToBeans.convert(ImageBean.class);
public static class MultipleColumnsBeanWithTitle {
@ExcelColTitle("会员姓名") String memberName; // for the first row, the value will be "张小凡"
@ExcelColTitle("手机号") List<String> mobiles; // for the first row,the values will be: null, "18795952311", "18795952311", "18795952311"
@ExcelColTitle("归属地") List<String> homeareas; // for the first row, the values will be: "南京", "北京", "上海", "广东"
* 从EXCEL中批量导入会员。
@RequestMapping("/ImportMembers") @RestController
public class ImportMembersController {
* 下载失败条目的EXCEL。
* @return RestResp
@RequestMapping("/downloadError") @SneakyThrows
public RestResp downloadError(HttpServletResponse response) {
byte[] workbook = ImportMembersHelper.redisExcel4ImportMemberError();
if (workbook == null) {
return RestResp.ok("当前没有失败条目");
}, workbook, "导入错误" + + ".xlsx");
return RestResp.ok("失败条目下载成功");
* 使用EXCEL 批量导入学员。
* @param file EXCEL文件
* @return RestResp
@RequestMapping("/importMembers") @SneakyThrows
public RestResp importMembers(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
@Cleanup val excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(file.getInputStream());
val importedMembers = excelToBeans.convert(ImportedMember.class);
// ...
@Data @Builder
public class CepingResult {
@ExcelCell(sheetName = true)
private String sheetName; // 表单名称
@ExcelCell(value = "A2", replace = "XX")
private String interviewCode; // 面试编号
private String name; // 身份证姓名
private String gender; // 性别
private String age; // 年龄
private String position; // 应聘职位
private String level; // 推荐职级
private String annualSalary; // 期望年薪
private double matchScore; // 岗位匹配度
@ExcelCell(value = "C6", maxLineLen = 40)
private String matchComment; // 岗位匹配度评语
@Cleanup val wb = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("template.xlsx");
val beansToExcel = new BeansToExcelOnTemplate(wb.getSheet("templateName"));
@Cleanup val newWb = beansToExcel.create(bean);
PoiUtil.protectWorkbook(newWb, "123456");
PoiUtil.writeExcel(newWb, "exported.xlsx");
travis encrypt a7fe683637d6e1f54e194817cc36e78936d4fe61
mvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.organization=bingoohuang-github -Dsonar.login=a7fe683637d6e1f54e194817cc36e78936d4fe61
Maybe there is not relative fonts installed. Methods:
- Create fonts folder:
mkdir ~/.fonts
- Copy fonts to the fold:
scp /System/Library/Fonts/STHeiti\ Light.ttc [email protected]:./.fonts/
- Install the fonts:
fc-cache -f -v
- 查看字体:
fc-list|grep SimSun
[betaoper@beta-hetong ~]$ fc-list|grep SimSun
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsun.ttc: 宋体,SimSun:style=常规,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsun.ttc: 新宋体,NSimSun:style=常规,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsunb.ttf: SimSun\-ExtB:style=Regular,obyčejné
For all users available, just copy the fonts file to the /usr/share/fonts
directory and then fc-cache -f -v
When writting emoji like 🦄女侠🌈💄💓 , the output excel content will show like ?女侠???, try to fix this with following dependency.
// execute the following javascript code in the console to download excel for testing
var fileName = "abc.xlsx"
var url = 'http://localhost:8090/yoga-system/MemberExportController/memberExport'
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', url, true)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
request.responseType = 'blob'
request.onload = function(e) {
if (this.status === 200) {
var blob = this.response;
if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName)
} else {
var downloadLink = window.document.createElement('a')
var contentTypeHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob], {type: contentTypeHeader})) = fileName
export const downloadBlobFile = (response) => {
const blob = new Blob([], {type:})
const contentDisposition = response.headers['content-disposition']
let fileName = 'unknown'
if (contentDisposition) {
const fileNameMatch = contentDisposition.match(/filename="(.+)"/)
if (fileNameMatch.length === 2) {
fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileNameMatch[1])
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName)
} else {
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob) = fileName
import {downloadBlobFile} from 'utils'
this.$'/BasicParametersController/exportPositions/', {}, {
responseType: 'blob'
}).then((response) => {
export GPG_TTY
set -gx GPG_TTY (tty)
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dgpg.passphrase=slgsdmxl
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip -DskipTests
- Support SXSSF (Streaming Usermodel API) for very large spreadsheets have to be produced.
- Avoid to upgrade poi-ooxml to 4.0.0. that will cause shift rows go failing. See Bug 62711 New: Calling shiftRows corrupts file in POI 4.0