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Plugin for connecting arbitrary GraphQL APIs to Gatsby GraphQL with client side execution

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NOTE: This is an universal version of the official gatsby-source-graphql source plugin. It modifies the babel plugins to skip the removal of graphql queries so they can be re-used.

How to use

The plugin provides higher order component as well as direct manipulation tools for custom operations

See TypeScript definitions for more details

Higher-Order Component

There is a higher order component to wrap components to get access to graphql queries in the browser.

import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { withGraphql } from 'gatsby-source-graphql-universal';

export const fooFragment = graphql`
  fragment Planet on ...SWAPI_Planet {

export const query = graphql`
  query {
    swapi {

export const Demo = withGraphql(
  ({ data, graphql }) => {
    const onClick = () => graphql('swapi', {
      fragments: [fooFragment],
      fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
      variables: { page: 3 }

    return (
      <button onClick={onClick}>Reload</button>


  • data: Same as data from gatsby, but when graphql() (below) is called, it will be overwritten with new data when composeData prop is set to true.

  • graphql(fieldName, options): Promise

    • fieldName: the same fieldName as provided in gatsby-config.js
    • options.query: the query variable defined above the component
    • options.fragments: list of fragments to inject into the query
    • options.composeData: (default: true) will overwrite component gatsby data with composed data from the browser when true
    • ...options optional parameters to pass to ApolloClient.query (sets fetchPolicy to 'network-only' by default)


The following code will now result in an object that has the original graphql query source accessible where you are free to do anything with it.

const query = graphql\`...\`;
  "id": "1234567",
  "source": "{ \"swapi\": { ... } }"

You can get isolated query to your graphql endpoint by re-using the composing function:

import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { getIsolatedQuery } from 'gatsby-source-graphql-universal';

const query = gatsby`
  query {
    siteMetadata {
    swapi {
      allPersons {
        ... on SWAPI_Person {

const onlySwapi = getIsolatedQuery(query, 'swapi', 'SWAPI');

// Output:
// query {
//   allPersons {
//     ... on Person {
//       id
//     }
//   }
// }

gatsby-source-graphql (previous documentation)

Plugin for connecting arbitrary GraphQL APIs to Gatsby GraphQL. Remote schemas are stitched together by adding a type that wraps the remote schema Query type and putting it under field of Gatsby GraphQL Query.


npm install --save gatsby-source-graphql-universal

How to use

First, you need a way to pass environment variables to the build process, so secrets and other secured data aren't committed to source control. We recommend using dotenv which will then expose environment variables. Read more about dotenv and using environment variables here. Then we can use these environment variables and configure our plugin.

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Simple config, passing URL
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        // This type will contain remote schema Query type
        typeName: "SWAPI",
        // This is field under which it's accessible
        fieldName: "swapi",
        // Url to query from
        url: "",
    // Passing paramaters (passed to apollo-link)
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        typeName: "GitHub",
        fieldName: "github",
        // Url to query from
        url: "",
        // HTTP headers
        headers: {
          // Learn about environment variables:
          Authorization: `bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
        // Additional options to pass to node-fetch
        fetchOptions: {},
    // Creating arbitrary Apollo Link (for advanced situations)
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        typeName: "GitHub",
        fieldName: "github",
        // Create Apollo Link manually. Can return a Promise.
        createLink: (pluginOptions) => {
          return createHttpLink({
            uri: '',
            headers: {
              'Authorization': `bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`,

How to Query

  # Field name parameter defines how you can access third party api
  swapi {
    allSpecies {
  github {
    viewer {

Schema definitions

By default schema is introspected from the remote schema. Schema is cached in .cache in this case and refreshing the schema requires deleting the cache.

To control schema consumption, you can alternatively construct schema definition by passing createSchema callback. This way you could, for example, read schema SDL or introspection JSON. When createSchema callback is used, schema isn't cached. createSchema can return a Promise to GraphQLSchema instance or GraphQLSchema instance.

const fs = require("fs")
const { buildSchema, buildClientSchema } = require("graphql")

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        typeName: "SWAPI",
        fieldName: "swapi",
        url: "",

        createSchema: async () => {
          const json = JSON.parse(
          return buildClientSchema(
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        typeName: "SWAPI",
        fieldName: "swapi",
        url: "",

        createSchema: async () => {
          const sdl = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/schema.sdl`).toString()
          return buildSchema(sdl)

Refetching data

By default, gatsby-source-graphql-universal will only refetch the data once the server is restarted. It's also possible to configure the plugin to periodically refetch the data. The option is called refetchInterval and specifies the timeout in seconds.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Simple config, passing URL
      resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql-universal",
      options: {
        // This type will contain remote schema Query type
        typeName: "SWAPI",
        // This is field under which it's accessible
        fieldName: "swapi",
        // Url to query from
        url: "",

        // refetch interval in seconds
        refetchInterval: 60,


Plugin for connecting arbitrary GraphQL APIs to Gatsby GraphQL with client side execution






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