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Bitmail(比特信) is a purly Peer-to-Peer instant messenger client, to help people to communicate with each other securely.
Authentication and security are based on PKI(Public Key Infrastructure), and are powered by OpenSSL.
A Message singed by a signer's private key identify the sender (see Middle-Man Attack).
A Message encrypted by public key, can not be viewed by anyone without private key while transferring.
The rx/tx network is now based on MX(eMail eXchange) protocols, e.g. imap(s) & smtp(s), and is powered by CURL. There is more delay than real IM or IRC network. But the MX network can be replaced by (or upgraded to) other transfer networks.
Free-speaking is your right. Get the privacy-protection from operators back to yourself.
White paper: bitmail.pdf.md
- secure talking with trusted friends.
- PKI utilities used to sign images, documents, and voting.
- reject any spam message away.
- invite friend(s) or accept friend(s) by exchange CertID ( the fingerprint of certificate ).
$git clone https://github.com/imharrywu/bitmail
$cd depends
$sh openssl.sh && sh curl.sh && sh libmicrohttpd.sh && sh miniupnpc.sh && qrencode.sh
$sh autogen.sh
open `qt/bitmail.pro' to build
- Mobile;
- Daemon & UPnP;
- Bitcoin wallet integration;
- Qt-GUI: translations, rich-text support, recall of history message-queue;
- Anyone with Qt, web, mobile, or secure network programming knowledge is welcome.
- openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name secp384r1) -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -days 3650
- ref: https://www.guyrutenberg.com/2013/12/28/creating-self-signed-ecdsa-ssl-certificate-using-openssl/