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Provides a daemon that monitors for new JSON result output files, evaluates them using ObjectPath expressions to trigger events which can be reacted to in different ways such as sending Slack alerts, copying JSON result files to a new location or anything else you with do do. You can implement a simple python Reactor with a handleTriggers method and do whatever you want to extend the available functionality.


Python 3.6


pip install objectpath pyyaml python-dateutil watchdog slackclient pygrok jinja2 twisted

Overview and Configuration

The handler engine is configured by one or more YAML configuration documents (see example here) that can be dropped in the --config-dir. Each JSON result file detected will be processed against every YAML config file loaded into the system and there is no limit to the number of config files.

Each config file configures the handler engine for each JSON result file to be processed. The handler engine makes heavy use of ObjectPath expressions to craft an evaluation_doc which is comprised of the original JSON result document/object contents plus addition meta-data that can be extracted from the result file path via Grok (via PyGrok) expressions and permitting full customization of the resulting meta-data and evaluation_doc structure and property names.

Once this evaluation_doc is constructed the config file's trigger_on triggers are evaluated one by one against the evaluation_doc. Each trigger is comprised of a title, an ObjectPath expression, and the names of one or more reactors that should be invoked if the ObjectPath expression returns a value. If the value is a Boolean it must be True for the for trigger to be considered "fired". Any other value returned by an expression other than None also qualifies as the trigger being fired.

For each fired trigger it will be passed to its configured reactor. There are two provided reactors:

Configuration details

For full configuration details its best to see the (see example here) in example-config.yaml


./ --help

usage: [-h] [-i INPUT_DIR]
                                 [-f INPUT_FILENAME_FILTER] [-I CONFIG_DIR]
                                 [-l LOG_FILE] [-x LOG_LEVEL]
                                 [-w INPUT_DIR_WATCHDOG_THREADS]
                                 [-s INPUT_DIR_SLEEP_SECONDS]
                                 [-d DEBUG_OBJECTPATH_EXPR] [-D] [-E]
                                 [-p HTTPSERVER_PORT] [-r HTTPSERVER_ROOT_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_DIR, --input-dir INPUT_DIR
                        Directory path to recursively monitor for new `*.json`
               result files. Default './input'
                        Regex for filter --input-dir files from triggering the
                        watchdog. Default '.*testssloutput.+.json'
  -I CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir CONFIG_DIR
                        Directory path to recursively monitor for new `*.yaml`
                        result handler config files. Default './configs'
  -l LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
                        Path to log file, default None, STDOUT
  -x LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        log level, default DEBUG
                        max threads for watchdog input-dir file processing,
                        default 10
                        When a new *.json file is detected in --input-dir, how
                        many seconds to wait before processing to allow
               to finish writing. Default 5
                        Default False. When True, adds more details on
                        ObjectPath expression parsing to logs
  -D, --debug-dump-evaldoc
                        Flag to enable dumping the 'evaluation_doc' to STDOUT
                        after it is constructed for evaluations (WARNING: this
                        is large & json pretty printed)
  -E, --dump-evaldoc-on-error
                        Flag to enable dumping the 'evaluation_doc' to STDOUT
                        (json pretty printed) on any error (WARNING: this is
                        large & json pretty printed)
                        Default None, if a numeric port is specified, this
                        will startup a simple twisted http server who's
                        document root is the --httpserver-root-dir
                        Default None, if specified the embedded http server
                        will serve up content from this directory, has no
                        effect if --httpserver-port is not specified


Note the example below is just that; an example. The reactor engine is completely customizable and you can fully customize any of the available reactors with regards to the message format and or any other actions and even make your own reactors.

That said: Lets startup the result handler:

mkdir input/
mkdir configs/
mkdir output/

./ \
  --debug-object-path-expr True \
  --input-dir ./input \
  --config-dir ./configs \
  --input-filename-filter '.*_testssl_.+.json' \
  --httpserver-port 7777 \
  --httpserver-root-dir output/

At this point the handler is up and running.... the --httpserver-root-dir is serving up the files copied via the CopyFileReactor config in the example-config.yaml

2018-11-15 14:17:34,583 - root - INFO - Monitoring for new result handler config YAML files at: ./configs
2018-11-15 14:17:34,584 - root - INFO - Monitoring for new result JSON files at: ./input
2018-11-15 14:17:34,585 - root - INFO - Starting HTTP server listening on: 7777 and serving up: output/

Lets copy a sample config to configs/

cp example-config.yaml configs/

Which is then consumed by the handler...

2018-11-15 14:17:39,713 - root - INFO - Responding to creation of result handler config file: ./configs/example-config.yaml

At this point the handler watchdog is monitoring input/ for any .*testssl.+.json files. Lets copy some sample output generated by the project's example output found in the sample/ directory.

cp -R sample/* input/

Once detected by the watchdog the result handler begins to react, since the cert_expiration_gte30days trigger fires, we send both a slack alert and copy the JSON result file to the given path as specified in the config's reactor_engine settings contained within example-config.yaml. The files matching the triggers are available under the the copy to dir under output/. This functionality could be used to automatically move JSON result files that flag vulnerabilities or upcoming expirations to a target location for further action or review.

2018-11-15 14:17:46,447 - root - INFO - Responding to parsable JSON result: ./input/
2018-11-15 14:17:46,448 - root - INFO - Received event for create of new JSON result file: './input/'
2018-11-15 14:17:46,449 - root - INFO - JSON result file loaded OK: './input/'
2018-11-15 14:17:46,449 - root - INFO - Evaluating ./input/ against config 'example-config.yaml' ...
2018-11-15 14:17:46,458 - root - DEBUG - exec_objectpath: query: $.testssl_result.scanResult[0].serverDefaults[split(,' ')[0] is 'cert_notAfter'][@.finding]
2018-11-15 14:17:46,465 - root - DEBUG - exec_objectpath: query: $.testssl_result.scanResult[0].serverDefaults[split(,' ')[0] is 'cert_notAfter'][@.finding] raw result type(): <class 'generator'>
2018-11-15 14:17:46,465 - root - DEBUG - exec_objectpath: query: $.testssl_result.scanResult[0].serverDefaults[split(,' ')[0] is 'cert_notAfter'][@.finding] next() returned val: 2019-01-22 06:14
2018-11-15 14:17:46,665 - root - DEBUG - Invoking reactor: slack for 1 fired triggers
2018-11-15 14:17:46,683 - root - DEBUG - SlackReactor: Sending to slack....
2018-11-15 14:17:46,691 - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2018-11-15 14:17:47,589 - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /services/TE2KJDF4L/BE22XTKGQ/4UKdwVZQ54U1NW8p7mtdowfN HTTP/1.1" 200 22
2018-11-15 14:17:47,597 - root - DEBUG - Invoking reactor: copy_json_result for 1 fired triggers
2018-11-15 14:17:47,597 - root - DEBUG - CopyFileReactor: attempting cleanup of output/ older than 0.0001 days...
2018-11-15 14:17:47,601 - root - INFO - CopyFileReactor: Copied OK /home/bitsofinfo/code/ TO output/
2018-11-15 14:17:47,601 - root - DEBUG - Invoking reactor: copy_html_result for 1 fired triggers
2018-11-15 14:17:47,604 - root - INFO - CopyFileReactor: Copied OK /home/bitsofinfo/code/ TO output/

Result of SlackReactor alert:

Result of CopyFileReactor:

Again; note the example above is just that; an example. The reactor engine is completely customizable and you can fully customize any of the available reactors with regards to the message format and or any other actions and even make your own reactors.


The dockerfile contained in this project can easily be built locally and run easily via the command line just like via the shell directly.

docker build -t testssl-alerts .

docker run \
  -v /path/to/configs:/configs \
  -v /path/to/output:/input \
  testssl-alerts \ \
    --input-dir /input \
    --config-dir /configs

Creating your own Reactors

Its pretty easy to create your own custom reactor.

  1. Create a new class at reactors/ and declare a class in it called MyReactor

  2. Declare it and its configuration under reactor_engines. You can have different reactors that all leverage the same reactor class_name but behave differently. Triggers reference the arbitrary reactor-name which can be any valid yaml key name.

    class_name: "MyReactor"
  1. It should support a constructor and declared the named method as follows:
class [MyCustom]Reactor():

  # Constructor
  # passed the raw reactor_config object
  def __init__(self, reactor_config):
      self.my_prop = reactor_config['my_prop']

  # When invoked this is passed
  # - 'triggers_fired' - array of trigger_result objects.
  #                      Where each trigge_result is defined as:
  # {
  #    'tag': [short name of the trigger]
  #    'title':[see above, title of the trigger name],
  #    'reactors':[see above, array of configured reactor names],
  #    'objectpath':[see above, the objectpath],
  #    'results':[array of raw object path result values],
  #    'config_filename':[name of the YAML config the trigger was defined in],
  #    'testssl_json_result_abs_file_path':[absolute path to the JSON result file],
  #    'testssl_json_result_filename':[filename only of JSON result file],
  #    'evaluation_doc':[the evalution_doc object that the trigger evaluated]
  #  }
  # - 'objectpath_ctx' - a reference to the ObjectPathContext object used
  #                      when processing the trigger evaluations. The following
  #                      ObjectPathContext properties can be used in the reactor
  #                      for further ObjectPath based functionality if the reactor
  #                      plugin wishes to take advantage of it.
  # {
  #    exec_objectpath: ObjectPathContext function reference
  #    exec_objectpath_specific_match: ObjectPathContext function reference
  #    exec_objectpath_first_match: ObjectPathContext function reference
  #    evaluation_doc: the raw evalution_doc object that the trigger evaluated
  #  }
  def handleTriggers(self, triggers_fired, objectpath_ctx):
