Rollup plugin to verify entry point and all imported files with TSLint.
npm i rollup-plugin-tslint -D
import { rollup } from 'rollup';
import tslint from 'rollup-plugin-tslint';
entry: 'main.js',
plugins: [
tslint({ /* your options */ })
See more options here tslint-config.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If true, will throw an error if any warnings or errors were found.
Type: array
or string
Default: []
A single file, or array of files, to include when linting.
Type: array
or string
Default: node_modules/**
A single file, or array of files, to exclude when linting.
Type: function
or string
Default: stylish
Custom error formatter or the name of a built-in formatter.
MIT © Minocoko
Initially this plugin were inspired by rollup-plugin-eslint, thanks a lot.