- Linux
- Mac
- FreeBSD
- Haiku *
- Haiku doesn't work as well as fzf doesn't have a port today (requires a modern GoLang) so it falls back on fzy which has no preview and such nice layout.
Code repositories go in:
mkdir -p ~/atomique/code/
So to install it as a user you do:
git clone "https://github.com/blackjack75/atomique_shell" ~/atomique/code/atomique_shell
Add the bin folder to your PATH in .zshrc or .bashrc so you can type aa for the main menu or aassh for the SSH connect menu
export PATH=~/atomique/code/atomique_shell/bin:$PATH
Add this line to your tmux.conf file so that control-B +A opens list of atomique main menu ssh servers and control-B +H opens list of atomtique ssh servers
bind-key h new-window -n "atomique-ssh-selector" "$SHELL --login -i -c 'aassh'"
bind-key a new-window -n "atomique--menu" "$SHELL --login -i -c 'aa'"
Install cron model to update this repo hourly (makes sense only for DEV on several machines on different architectures) Same script can be used to update data repo
cd ~/atomique/code/atomique_shell
Data such as servers must be in ~/atomique/data : I have one separate repository for all my data that I just sync there. I need to share an example repository later when this is ready for prime time.
mkdir -p ~/atomique/data/servers/
Multiple files can be put in this folder:
Format is simply one server per line (name, host, port, keywords all separated by a pipe)
MacAir | [email protected] | 22 | Macintosh Laptop M1
MacPro | [email protected] | 22 | Macintosh Trashcan Desktop Intel HomeServer
MacStudio | [email protected] | 22 | Macintosh Desktop M1 Studio Dev
G4 Cube | [email protected] | 22 | Macintosh Leopard PowerPC
Lema.org | [email protected] | 22 | Debian Linux Website
Assumes you the committer has a proper deploy config ~/.ssh/config:
git clone [email protected]:blackjack75/atomique_shell.git ~/atomique/code/atomique_shell
git clone "ssh://[email protected]:30022/Santiago/atomique_servers_santiago.git" ~/atomique/data