Docker container for running braker gene finder
To use this docker you should
- checkout this repo:
git clone
cd braker-docker
Download your OWN copy of the genemark executables and key which you can get from (pick the GeneMark-ES / ET v.4.33 LINUX 64 option for this docker) and save gm_key_64.gz and gm_et_linux_64.tar.gz in the braker-docker folder
Run docker build:
docker build -t braker .
- Go to the folder where you have the aligned.bam and genome.fasta files (or replace
with the absolute path of that folder) and run braker:
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`:/data \
braker \ --species=YOURSPECIESNAME --UTR=on --cores=8 \
--genome=/data/genome.fasta \