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EBSO (EBlockStock) token

Contract addresses


General requirements:

  • ERC156 interface implemented
  • ERC20 compatible token
  • with extra standard functionalities: mint and burn
  • four decimal points
  • tokensymbol EBSO
  • approve function is modified to prevent known front-running attacks: at creating new approve, the allowance has to be set to zero first!

Specialities in basic functions:

  • There are two blacklists controlling if a token can be transferred, minted or burned.
  • Both enable and disable must be available
  • Blacklists are called sourceAccountBL and destinationAccountBL
  • transfer (from, to, amount) should be only possible of from is not blacklisted in sourceAccountBL and to is not blacklisted in destinationAccountBL
  • mint should be possible to all addresses, however only if they are not in destinationAccountBL
  • burn should be only possible if the address is not in sourceAccountBL
  • burn must be possible only from the treasury account
  • burn does not take parameter, it burns from the treasury account automatically

Special accounts: there are three special accounts in the system:

  • treasuryAddress is from where the tokens can burned, in other adress than the treasury address, these functionalities must be denied.
  • bsopoolAddress is an address where part of the token transaction fee will be transferred
  • feeAddress is the second address where a part of the token transaction fee will be transferred

Transfer and token fees:

  • There are two token fees at a transfer: bsoFee and generalFee
  • both fees can be set dynamically
  • bsoFee is transferred to the bsoFee address
  • generalFee is transferred to the general Fee address
  • both fees are integer numbers: 100 means 0.1 percent
  • if the from or the to account is the treasury account, there should not be any fee calculted

Administration and rights:

  • There are three roles of admins:
    • EBSO admin role
    • treasury admin role
    • AML admin role

EBSO admin can:

  • adding or removing further EBSO admin accounts
  • adding or removing further treasury admin accounts
  • adding or removing further AML admin accounts
  • setting issueraddress
  • setting bsoFee and the related address
  • setting generalFee and the related address
  • pausing or unpausing the contract

Treasury admin can:

  • only treasury admins can mint tokens
  • only treasury admins can burn tokens
  • treasury admins can not do anything else priviliged apart from burn and mint

AML admin can:

  • blacklist accounts
  • treasury admins can not do anything else priviliged apart from blacklisting

Error scenarios and key compromise protocols:

  • at error situations, the contract can paused by the admins
  • if the error is fatal, a paused contract can be destroyed by the admins
  • if all the administrator accounts are compromised, there is a last level of key recovery protocol: a superadmin wired at the initialization, only available on a paperwallet.
  • if only a treasury admin is compromised it can be rechanged by an EBSO admin
  • if only an AML admin is compromised it can be rechanged by an EBSO admin

EBlockStock Address (Ropsten): 0x7983a25F987aCEfE6A65682ddde0b9983e3146cC


Running unit tests

To run the test, first install dependencies:

npm i

Run tests:

npm run test

Running tests with coverage

To run the tests with coverage report, first install dependencies:

npm i

Run tests with coverage:

npm run coverage

When running coverage tests, the testing framework adds some extra functionality to the contracts. Because of these modification, the contract size will grow and it can exceed the mainnet size limit. It is a known behaviour, the mainnet deployment does not contain the modification, its size is under the limit.

Warning: 1 contracts exceed the size limit for mainnet deployment.

Coverage report

File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
contracts/ 100 100 100 100
EBlockStock.sol 100 100 100 100
EBlockStockACL.sol 100 100 100 100
--------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
All files 100 100 100 100