RNA editing is a source of transcriptomic diversity, mainly in non-coding regions, and is altered in cancer. Recent studies demonstrated that A-to-I RNA editing events are manifested at the proteomic level and contribute to protein heterogeneity in cancer. Given somatic RNA-editing mutation as input, PREP identify and evaluate the potential immunogenicity of RNA editing based peptides. Detailed information please refer to citation.
Chi Zhou and Qi Liu
Systematically Characterizing A-to-I RNA Editing Neoantigens in Cancer, Submitted, 2019.
PREP currently tested on x86_64 on ubuntu 16.04.
- Python 2.7
- NetMHCpan 4.0
- Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
- samtools
- Optitype
- GATK 3.8
- Picard tools
- Java 8
- kallisto
- trimmomatic
- vcftools
- blast
- tabix
- gawk
- yaml
- XGboost
- biopython
- scikit-learn==0.19.1
- pandas
- numpy
- Pyomo
- tables
- pysam
- future
- multiprocessing
- subprocess
- math
- matplotlib
Docker image of PREP is at https://hub.docker.com/r/bm2lab/prep/.
Install Docker on your computer and make sure it works.
Call docker
pull bm2lab/prep
which will download the Docker image. -
Run the image in interactive mode with your dataset:
docker run -it -v /your/path/to/dataset/:/home/bioworker/dataset bm2lab/prep /bin/bash
Change directory into /home/bioworker/project/PREP:
cd /home/bioworker/project/PREP
Download reference data:
bash data_download.sh
and fill the proper path of input files. -
Run the program with follow commands:
python PREP.py RE -i config.yaml
Install all software and python package listed above.
Download or clone the PREP repository to your local system:
git clone https://github.com/bm2-lab/PREP.git
to your directory inconfig.yaml
. Please refer to user manual for a detailed description.
To run PREP, first fill file path of you rna-seq FASTQ file in confg.yaml
, then use:
python PREP.py RE -i config.yaml
For detailed information about usage, input and output files, test examples and data preparation please refer to the PREP User Manual
Chi Zhou
[email protected]
Qi Liu
[email protected]
Biological and Medical Big data Mining Lab
Tongji University
Shanghai, China.