I`m Nikita, a full-stack JavaScript developer from Ukraine
I have 4 years of experience in software development.
My expertise lies in crafting reliable solutions across the entire stack, blending frontend peculiarities with scalable backend architectures. I've completed several projects through the full SDLC process using sought-after technologies.
I always pay great attention to code quality, solution reliability, security, and scalability. I consistently focus on the primary business goals and thoroughly explore possible solutions.
$ figlet -f "ANSI Shadow" "Stack's logs"
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console.log("PRIMARY_LANGUAGES", ["JavaScript", "TypeScript"]);
console.log("AI TOOLS", ["LangChain", "LangGraph", "LangSmith", "OpenAI"]);
console.log("CLIENT_SIDE_AND_MOBILE", [
"Apollo GraphQL",
console.log("USER_INTERFACE", [
"Ant Design",
"Material UI",
"Native Base",
"Gluestack UI",
"React Email",
"Tailwind CSS",
console.log("SERVER_SIDE", [
console.log("TESTING_LIBRARIES", ["Jest", "React Testing Library"]);
console.log("Databases", [
"Vector Databases (pgvector)",
"Firebase Realtime Database",
console.log("ORMs", ["TypeORM", "Mongoose", "Knex", "Sequelize"]);
console.log("BUILD_TOOLS", ["Webpack", "Turborepo", "Tsup"]);
console.log("CI_AND_CONTAINERIZATION", ["Docker", "Github Actions"]);
console.log("CLOUD_SOLUTIONS", ["Google Cloud", "Firebase", "AWS", "Vercel"]);
console.log("PAYMENT_SYSTEMS", ["Stripe", "MangoPay"]);