Welcome to the Heartpoints.org website repository!
- Initial Development Environment Setup
- Using Github - Issues, Pull Requests, and Source Control
- Heartpoints CLI - Overview for the
command line interface for running dev tasks (ie: compiling/testing) - Typescript - Our main language of choice for both front and back end
- Running Local heartpoints.org REST API - Run Local Version of the API server
- Running Local heartpoints.org Website - Run Local Version of heartpoints.org
- Code Coverage - Measuring Code Coverage during Tests and Viewing Coverage (locally and on github.com PRs)
- Production Website - Find, view, administrate the live version of http://www.heartpoints.org
- Heartpoints Domain - Domain registrar and DNS management info for the heartpoints.org domain
- TLS / Security Certificates / HTTPS - How the site runs on HTTPS vs HTTP
- Material UI - Our Design system - for look and feel and design
- Figma - Our design collaboration space
- SOLID Principles - guidance on software design
- Common Errors - a list of commonly found errors and advice to troubleshoot / fix them
- Testing - Test Driven Development
- CSS Tricks - Help with tricky CSS spacing / alignment / responsive
- Links to Other Resources
- Heartpoints Google Drive contains shared company documents, spreadsheets, presentations that are not in github
- Credentials Limited Access repository containing org credentials / private keys
Autosuggest component wider than viewport on most mobile devices (temporary fix implemented; still need to figure out how to set the container
of the Autosuggest
component to a percentage value [currently only accepts vw/vh/px/em])
Suggestion container should be a scrollbar
Page titles wrap with longer names (text is too big)
This causes the EditButton and DeleteButton for that opp/org to be displayed poorly
Page titles wrap with longer names (text is too big)