Simple plugin to get any SSDP / UPnP / DLNA service on a local network
Clone the plugin
$ git clone
Create a new Cordova Project
$ cordova create myApp com.example.myApp MyApp
Add Android platform
cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios
Install the plugin
$ cd myApp
$ cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-discovery
Edit www/js/index.js
and add the following code inside onDeviceReady
var serviceType = "ssdp:all";
var success = function(device) {
var failure = function(error) {
alert("Error calling Service Discovery Plugin: " + error);
var normalizeHeaders = true;
var readTimeout = 4000;
var listenForNotifies = true;
var broadcastMsearch = true;
* Similar to the W3C specification for Network Service Discovery api ''
* @method listen
* @param {string} serviceType
* A valid SSDP service type. (e.g. "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1", "ssdp:all",
* "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1")
* @param {listenCallback} successCallback
* Callback to receive SSDP server answers.
* @param {errorCallback} errorCallback
* Callback to receive error messages.
* @param {boolean=} normalizeHeaders
* Set true, if you want capitalized headers. If false, headers will be passed unmodified (default).
* @param {number=} readTimeout
* Read timeout in milliseconds. (DEFAULT: 4000) Will send a new "M-SEARCH" request after this time.
* @param {boolean=} listenForNotifies
* Listen for unsolicited NOTIFY messages. (DEFAULT: false) If this is enabled, you will also receive
* NOTIFY messages which match the <b>exact</b> serviceType you provided, or <b>all</b>, if you used
* "ssdp:all".
* <b>ATTENTION</b>: The content of NOTIFY messages is slightly different than answers to M-SEARCH
* messages!
* @param {boolean=} broadcastMsearch
* Send M-SEARCH messages and get all responses to it. (DEFAULT: true) This is the original behaviour
* of this plugin which can now be switched off to just listen passively.
serviceDiscovery.listen(serviceType, success, failure, normalizeHeaders, readTimeout, listenForNotifies, broadcastMsearch);
function() {
serviceDiscovery.stop(function() {
console.log('Service Discovery stopped.');
Run the code
cordova run android
cordova run ios
- Android
- iOS