Transitmix is a sketching tool for transit planners (both professional and armchair) to quickly design routes and share with the public. It lives at
- You can draw your own routes by dragging and dropping points and it snaps to a street grid.
- You can input stats like headway ("bus comes every X min"), speed (mph), and operating hours.
- It outputs stats like distance of route, # of buses required, and total cost.
- It will take customizable inputs for layover percentage, cost per revenue hour, annual service days, and perhaps bus capacity.
- It will output round trip / cycle time, revenue hours per day, and estimated ridership
- It will allow users to import custom data for decision making (i.e. census data, residential density, employment density, etc.)
- Transitmix is not (yet) a replacement for professional transit operations planning and scheduling.
With additional help from Jason Denizac, Lyzi Diamond, and Andrew Douglass.
Reach out to all of us at [email protected].
Transitmix was started as a Code for America hackathon project in January 2013, by the Atlanta fellowship team. It was inspired by a similar project, Streetmix and from talks with transit planners.
- Check out our github issues page here.
Transitmix is a Ruby application with a PostgreSQL database.
Finally, clone Transmitmix from Github and prepare the database:
git clone
cd transitmix
cp .env.sample .env
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate
rake db:create db:migrate DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/transitmix_test
bundle exec rackup
heroku create <app name>
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku open
- Install PostGres via
brew install postgres
, event if you have otherwise bundle install will keep failing. - If you wish to work on Sinatra and want auto-reload per file change:
gem install rerun
rerun 'bundle exec rackup'