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FlySystem URL bundle generates services for flysystem by specifying a url parameter


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A Symfony bundle that creates flysystem services based upon a url specified in the symfony configuration.

Installation and configuration

Using Composer add the bundle to your dependencies using the require command: composer require bravesheep/flysystem-url-bundle.

Add the bundle to your AppKernel

Add the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php. Note: in order for the parameters defined by this bundle to be picked up by other bundles using them you need to put it before those bundles. See below for more information.

public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Bravesheep\FlysystemUrlBundle\BravesheepFlysystemUrlBundle(),
        // ...

Configure the bundle

For this bundle you need to configure which urls should be used and what the service names should be for the generated services. An example configuration is shown below where the media_fs_url parameter (which you can put in your parameters.yml for example) generates a flysystem adapter service for you to use.

        # Generates media_fs_adapter.adapter service
            url: %media_fs_url%
            prefix: media_fs_adapter

Accepted urls

Several url formats are accepted, a short overview of supported urls is shown below:

  • local:///path/to/directory or file:///path/to/directory for local filesystem storage. In case of local urls an absolute path is required. Use for example the kernel.root_dir parameter: file://%kernel.root_dir%/../web/media. The lock query parameter may be used to indicate different locking behavior: local:///path/to/directory?lock=false. Public file permissions may be set using the file_perm parameter: local:///path/to/directory?file_perm=0744. Similarly the file_perm_private, dir_perm and dir_perm_private parameters are available.
  • ftp://user:pass@host:port/path/to/dir for FTP usage. Alternatively ftps scheme may be used for SSL secured FTP.
  • sftp://user:pass@host:port/path/to/dir?keyfile=path/to/keyfile or alternatively the ssh scheme may be specified for the same behavior.
  • dropbox://access_token:[email protected] for Dropbox access.
  • s3://key:secret@region/bucket for Amazon AWS S3. Alternatively the awss3 and awss3v3 schemes are available. For the v2 version of the AWS API you may use awss3v2 as a scheme.
  • null:// or just null may be specified for a testing storage adapter which does not store anything.
  • zip:///path/to/ may be used for local zip access.
  • webdav://user:pass@host:port/path/to/dir may be used for WebDAV access. Alternatively http://user:pass@host:port/path/to/dir or https://user:pass@host:port/path/to/dir may be used as well.

Extra variable encodings

By default this bundle does not just create a flysystem adapter service but can also generate some extra parameters which you can directly use.

The bundle by default generates a parameter you can use in the OneupFlysystemBundle as a value for your adapter:

        media_adapter: %media_fs_adapter.oneup_adapter_params%

By default the bundle also generates a public prefix url for some services if it can determine that url automatically. You could use this for example with the VichUploaderBundle:

            upload_destination: media_fs
            uri_prefix: %media_fs_adapter.public_url_prefix%

If you don't need these parameters you can change them in the configuration of this bundle:

            url: %example_param%
            prefix: example_fs_prefix
            encoders: [] # In this case no parameter encoders are used, only the service is generated


FlySystem URL bundle generates services for flysystem by specifying a url parameter







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