The goal of this package is to keep control and tidyness in your media library. As of now, only TV-shows are supported. Movies will be in the future.
NB! This package is made for Laravel 5.
[media root]
Require the package in your composer.json
"require": {
"bstien/media-library": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Publish configuration and run migrations in Laravel 5:
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan migrate
Edit the configfile:
vim config/medialibrary.php
use Stien\MediaLibrary\Facades\Library
This is the main class used to keep control of your library and access TvDb-API.
It's a facade, and should be registered in app/config.php
for simplicity. is used to scrape information about the series. Be sure to get an API-key for their services here and place this in the config-file.
It's API is reachable via Library::tvdb()
. See Moinax/TvDb for API-reference.
# Search for serie.
$res = Library::tvdb()->getSeries("Modern Family");
foreach($res as $serie)
echo $serie->name.'</br>';
# Save series- and episodes-info to DB.
# In this case, the first match from our search.
$res = Library::tvdb()->getSeries("Modern Family");