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chore(deps): update dependency vitest to v0.34.6 (#97)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [vitest]( | [`0.34.0` -> `0.34.6`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |


### Release Notes

<summary>vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)</summary>

### [`v0.34.6`](

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#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Overwrite global URL with environment's  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(cbe13)</samp>](
-   Correctly resolve external dependencies loaded by custom environments  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(e3408)</samp>](
-   **runner**: The fixture of `test.extend` should be init once time in all test  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(730b2)</samp>](

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### [`v0.34.5`](

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#####    🚀 Features

-   **config**:
    -   Add `diff` option  -  by [@&#8203;fenghan34]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(b50cf)</samp>](
-   **coverage**:
    -   Add `coverage['100']` to istanbul provider  -  by [@&#8203;marcelobotega]( in []( [<samp>(a7e09)</samp>](
-   **vitest**:
    -   Support `vi.waitFor` method  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(d79cb)</samp>](
    -   Allow using unprocessed environment files  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(1aee1)</samp>](
    -   Support `vi.waitUntil` method  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(e0ac9)</samp>](

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Update HappyDOMOptions to be compatible with v12  -  by [@&#8203;anthonyblond]( in []( [<samp>(e8797)</samp>](
-   Print value shape when .resolves and .rejects fails  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(e649d)</samp>](
-   **docs**:
    -   Fix lint errors on onConsoleLog example  -  by [@&#8203;marcelobotega]( in []( [<samp>(ba1e7)</samp>](
-   **expect**:
    -   Improve the error message when nothing is thrown when testing `toThrow`  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(725a0)</samp>](
-   **happy-dom**:
    -   Catch errors in happy-dom  -  by [@&#8203;capricorn86]( in []( [<samp>(c21c0)</samp>](
-   **runner**:
    -   Restore leading space in `testNamePattern`  -  by [@&#8203;segrey]( in []( and []( [<samp>(3c305)</samp>](
    -   `test.extend` doesn't work in hooks without test  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(175c7)</samp>](
-   **snapshot**:
    -   Support mix of normal/with placeholders snapshots  -  by [@&#8203;RobertPechaCZ]( in []( [<samp>(01e01)</samp>](
-   **ui**:
    -   Correctly render ansi diff  -  by [@&#8203;so1ve]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(8c315)</samp>](
-   **vite-node**:
    -   Export `SourceMapInput` to fix CYCLIC_CROSS_CHUNK_REEXPORT  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(ca70a)</samp>](
    -   Align vite dependency version with vitest  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(90ff8)</samp>](
-   **vitest**:
    -   Rerun tests if a file loaded with query changes  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(a084c)</samp>](
    -   Inject "define" in workspaces  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(b4d5a)</samp>](

#####    🏎 Performance

-   Use lazy require in vm pool  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(21ba4)</samp>](

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### [`v0.34.4`](

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#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Resolving dep optimizer issues with workspace  -  by [@&#8203;thebanjomatic]( in []( [<samp>(0c13c)</samp>](
-   Don't process config file twice  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(a84a8)</samp>](
-   **coverage**:
    -   Log info only when terminal reporter is used  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in []( [<samp>(9f043)</samp>](
-   **happy-dom**:
    -   Use the nodejs console in happy-dom v11  -  by [@&#8203;capricorn86]( in []( [<samp>(59434)</samp>](
-   **runner**:
    -   Incorrect test name pattern matching  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(b5bf3)</samp>](
-   **vite-node**:
    -   Check more precisely for root/base paths  -  by [@&#8203;danielroe]( in []( [<samp>(80741)</samp>](
-   **vitest**:
    -   "vi" doesn't rely on context  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(0d0f3)</samp>](
    -   Only override ssr.optimizer instead of the whole ssr object  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(410bc)</samp>](
    -   Don't start the server when optimizer is enabled  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(00e81)</samp>](
    -   Set SSR env only when transformMode is ssr  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(f8ea7)</samp>](
    -   Show error when calling API on files that user has no access to  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(8b39c)</samp>](
-   **web-worker**:
    -   Don't rely on browser API when it's not provided  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(e78a4)</samp>](

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### [`v0.34.3`](

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#####    🚀 Features

-   **coverage**: Add `allowExternal` option  -  by [@&#8203;vojvodics]( and [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in []( [<samp>(c03fa)</samp>](
-   **vitest**: Export all reporters in `vitest/reporters`  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(5704b)</samp>](

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Should remove mockPath from callstack whether success or failed  -  by [@&#8203;miserylee]( and **lijifei** in []( [<samp>(5eb85)</samp>](
-   Add workspace config files to default coverage excludes  -  by [@&#8203;FelixGraf]( and [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in []( [<samp>(20263)</samp>](
-   Report file error as a <failure> on JUnit  -  by [@&#8203;3c1u]( in []( [<samp>(00c43)</samp>](
-   **jsdom**: Correctly resolve buffer on typed arrays  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(b42cf)</samp>](
-   **ui**: Use web hash history in ui  -  by [@&#8203;segevfiner]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( and []( [<samp>(8caab)</samp>](
-   **vite-node**: Inline HMR types  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(dff60)</samp>](
-   **vitest**: Correctly resolve optimizer status  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(74dc5)</samp>](

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### [`v0.34.2`](

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#####    🚀 Features

-   Allow importing CSS and assets inside external dependencies when using `--experimental-vm-threads`  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(f4e6e)</samp>](
-   **vitest**: Allow calling `ctx.skip()` inside the running test  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(5c88d)</samp>](

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Don't bundle utils' source-map entry  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(a08e5)</samp>](
-   Reduce the memory consumption when running --experimental-vm-threads  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(d1a08)</samp>](
-   Indicator position of error message  -  by [@&#8203;fenghan34]( in []( [<samp>(3e1e7)</samp>](
-   Don't crash when using --experimental-vm-threads, interop CJS default inside node_modules  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(0c53e)</samp>](
-   Don't crash if total memory is not supported  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(7d1f8)</samp>](
-   Check memory and limit value  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(f8dfb)</samp>](
-   Update module warning as it is moved into server config  -  by [@&#8203;jellyfishgh]( in []( [<samp>(3a3eb)</samp>](
-   Define process variable and using import.meta.env together did not work  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(e73ca)</samp>](
-   Correctly resolve config in a workspace  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(1c08d)</samp>](
-   Don't crash when calling useFakeTimers in VM pool  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(91fe4)</samp>](
-   Restrict access to file system via API  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(bcb41)</samp>](
-   Typo of mocks plugin name  -  by [@&#8203;antfu]( [<samp>(3073b)</samp>](
-   Build not generated `execute.d.ts`  -  by [@&#8203;btea]( in []( [<samp>(0f8e6)</samp>](
-   **css**:
    -   Don't mock css-module if `?inline` query is specified  -  by [@&#8203;thebanjomatic]( and **Adam Hines** in []( [<samp>(3891d)</samp>](
-   **expect**:
    -   Correctly show async matcher diff  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(9423b)</samp>](
-   **snapshots**:
    -   Update inline snapshot correctly  -  by [@&#8203;fenghan34]( in []( [<samp>(7b740)</samp>](
-   **ui**:
    -   Incorrect duration time in vitest ui  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in []( [<samp>(35139)</samp>](
    -   Add support for ui coverage with subdir option  -  by [@&#8203;userquin]( in []( [<samp>(6ecfc)</samp>](
-   **vitest**:
    -   Use esm module resolution to resolve env  -  by [@&#8203;danielroe]( in []( [<samp>(edb32)</samp>](
    -   Allow rewriting process.env.NODE_MODE when using web transform mode  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(eca4b)</samp>](
    -   Only consider cwd when using glob  -  by [@&#8203;g-plane]( in []( and []( [<samp>(15b4f)</samp>](
    -   Pass environmentOptions to happy-dom integration  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and **Raul de Melo** in []( [<samp>(6a0cb)</samp>](
-   **web**:
    -   Correctly resolve assets in new URL  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in []( [<samp>(a428f)</samp>](

#####    🏎 Performance

-   **dot-renderer**: Speed up getTests  -  by [@&#8203;gtm-nayan]( in []( [<samp>(e9404)</samp>](

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### [`v0.34.1`](

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#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   Pass `--experimental-vm-worker-memory-limit` to `tinypool`  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in []( [<samp>(3c67a)</samp>](

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renovate[bot] authored Oct 2, 2023
1 parent ca9162f commit aaf33ef
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