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Releases: bxparks/AceCRC

1.1.1 - add SAMD21 and SAMD51 to Tier 1 supported boards

12 Jul 17:57
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  • 1.1.1 (2023-07-12)
    • Update supported boards and tiers
      • Add SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards to Tier 1
        • Add 2 SAMD boards from 2 different companies, to test their
          Arduino Core software:
          • Seeeduino XIAO M0 (SAMD21 48MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
          • Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51 120MHz ARM Cortex-M4)
        • SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards are back in Tier 1, as long as they use
          the traditional Arduino API instead of the new
        • Fortunately most third party SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards continue to
          use the traditional Arduino API.
      • Move Teensy 3.2 to Tier 2 ("Should work but not tested often")
        • This board is entering end-of-life.
        • As well, the Teensyduino environment integrates with the Arduino
          IDE and CLI in a way that's different than all other third-party
          Arduino boards. Some of my automation scripts do not work with
          Teensyduino, so it becomes very time consuming to test the Teensy
        • All Teensy boards are now in Tier 2.
    • This is a maintenance release, no changes to code.

1.1.0 - add crc-16-modbus; regenerate benchmarks with (mostly) latest tool chain

04 Feb 02:30
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  • 1.1.0 (2023-02-03)
    • Upgrade tool chain
      • Arduino IDE from 1.8.13 to 1.8.19
      • Arduino CLI from 0.15.2 to 0.27.1
      • Arduino AVR Core from 1.8.3 to 1.8.5
      • SparkFun AVR Core 1.8.13
      • SparkFun SAMD Core from 1.8.1 to 1.8.7
      • STM32duino Core from 1.9.0 to 2.3.0
      • ESP8266 Core from 2.7.4 to 3.0.2
      • ESP32 Core from 1.0.6 to 2.0.5
      • TeensyDuino from 1.54 to 1.57
    • Remove SAMD21 boards.
      • No longer supported.
    • Add CRC-16-MODBUS from pycrc (see

v1.0.1 - update benchmarks for ESP32 Core v1.0.6; update Makefiles for FreeBSD compatibility

19 Apr 16:08
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  • 1.0.1 (2021-04-19)
    • Update EpoxyDuino Makefiles for better compatibility with FreeBSD.
    • Add recommendation to use nibblem on ESP8266.
    • Upgrade to ESP32 Arduino Core v1.0.6 and update benchmark numbers (no
      significant changes).
    • No functional change in this release.

v1.0 - add nibblem variant, with 1.9X-2.7X speed improvement on ESP8266

21 Feb 22:59
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  • 1.0 (2021-02-21)
    • Add nibblem variant.
      • Same as nibble but the 16-element lookup table is stored in static
        memory instead of flash memory.
      • On ESP8266, this causes a 1.9X-2.7X speed improvement because
        accessing the flash memory access is much slower than static memory.
      • Only a 2-7% speed improvement for AVR processors.
    • Graduate to v1.0.

v0.4.2 - Update UnixHostDuino 0.4 to EpoxyDuino 0.5

22 Jan 20:02
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  • 0.4.2 (2021-01-22)
    • Update UnixHostDuino 0.4 to EpoxyDuino 0.5
    • No functional change in this release.

v0.4.1 - support STM32; re-add Teensy 3.2 benchmarks

19 Jan 21:30
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  • 0.4.1 (2021-01-19)
    • Add official support for STM32 by validating against STM32 Blue Pill
      board. Update CpuBenchmark and MemoryBenchmark numbers.
    • Re-add benchmark numbers for Teensy 3.2. Able to upload to it again
      after reinstalling Ubuntu 20.04.
    • No functional change in this release.

v0.4 - improve performance on 8-bit processors by 6%-34%

10 Dec 20:10
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  • 0.4 (2020-12-10)
    • Convert internal loop or index variable inside crc_update() fgrom
      unsigned int to a one-byte uint8_t. Improves CPU performance by 6%-34%
      on 8-bit processors. See
      examples/benchmarks/CpuBenchmark. No
      change in performance for 32-bit processors.
    • Add MemoryBenchmark numbers for the same third-party CRC libraries as

v0.3.2 - add third-party libraries to CpuBenchmark

10 Dec 05:10
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  • 0.3.2 (2020-12-09)
    • Add CpuBenchmark numbers for some third-party CRC libraries for curiosity.
    • Rewrite for clarity.
    • Use Arduino-CLI to gather MemoryBenchmark results faster.
    • No functional change.

v0.3.1 - add CRC-8 algorithms; use exact sized uint{xx}_t types for crc_t

04 Dec 06:49
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  • 0.3.1 (2020-12-03)
    • Use exact sized uint16_t and uint32_t as the typedef for crc_t,
      instead of the default uint_fast16_t and uint_fast32_t produced by
      pycrc. This change affects only the 32-bit processors where
      uint_fast16_t is defined to be 32 bits instead of 16 bits. Some of the
      crc16ccitt algorithms become slightly slower but some become slightly
      faster. The biggest difference is that the crc_table sizes for the
      cc16ccitt algorithms all become 1/2 the size, which is a big win.
    • Add CRC-8 algorithms in crc8_bit, crc8_nibble, and crc8_byte
      namespaces. Update MemoryBenchmark and CpuBenchmark numbers.
    • Add recommendation list of various algorithms in

v0.2 - add crc_calculate() convenience function

03 Dec 20:46
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  • 0.2 (2020-12-03)
    • Generate CPU times of each CRC algorithm and variant using
    • Create combined CPU and Memory benchmark tables in
    • Insert a crc_calculate() convenience function into the header files so
      that the CRC can be calculated in one-shot, instead of forcing the user to
      call crc_init(), crc_update() and crc_finalize().
    • Remove static keyword from *.hpp files. Not needed in C++ and
      prevents doxygen doc generation of those functions.